Chapter 4

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Lucas's POV

I opened the door to my apartment and shut it with my foot while still holding annabelle
Something snapped in me after she wanted to leave me again I wouldn't let her leave this time.

"Let me go you jerk"she screamed at the top of her lungs
"Never" I whispered and entered my room
I felt a slight sting on my ass and realised she just slapped my ass .
I heard her chuckle; I could feel the heat rushing to my face but kept a neutral face and threw her on my bed
"What the f-ck " she shouted
"Stay" I said in a gentle but in a demanding voice.

I went to the home phone and dialled dominos
And ordered a margarita I remember ever thing she told me in the club it was her favourite. I went back to my room where she was standing in the middle of, i sat on my bed and patted the space next to me

"Come sit next to me" I said in a stern voice
" I rather stand here" she said observing my every movement, I know she is still attracted to me like I am to her
"Please I want to talk to you please"i said in a gentle voice while patting the space next to me ; her eyes beautiful sea blue eyes softened at my words, she slowly walked to the space next to me keeping a good distance
"Why did you leave Angel "I asked her
"There was no point in staying" she stated which angered me
"What do you mean there was no point in staying"I asked raising my voice
"I only came to visit my friend this was just a one night thing so when I woke up i rushed out" she finished no looking me in the eye
"You lying " I simply stated, her eyes widened
"W-what no I'm not l-lying" she stuttered
"I may not know you for long but I know you habits I know that you don't look me in the eye when you lie so tell me why you left me in the morning after that passionate night tells me and don't you dare lie"
"I...I was scared I mean I woke up not being a virgin anymore with a stranger next to me I was scared and didn't know what to do so the first thing I done was went to my friends house and told her I'm leaving early and left
Then I came back to live here and take a job I would have never imagined that I would see you again "I saw a tear slip from her eye and I quickly wiped it away

I pulled her into a hug and whispered comforting words in her ear while she relaxed in my arms and she just fitted perfectly in to
I missed her so much in my arms

"Please don't leave me again I missed you your face your smile your laugh the way you look at me how sassy you are when your mad " I whispered in her ear I wanted her to know how much I missed her and it broke me to see her cry.

"I love you" I whispered after a while but realised she has fallen asleep she looked like an angle so peaceful even with dried tears on her face
I love her but it's to early to tell her I don't want to scare her away I never believed in love at first sight but with her it's different.


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