Life After Wall Maria

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It's been a year since the Titans broke wall Maria. Ever since that happened we are having a hard time believing that we could ever win this fight for humanity. All that happens around here now is training and moping around. And me always trying to have a positive attitude all the time is only annoying people more then they are.

Everyone is hard at work coming up with plans to try and take back Wall Trost. While the Scouting Legion tries to get more data on the Titans. Oh! you are probably wondering what regiment I'm in.

I'm in the Scouting Legion with my father Captian Levi.So my name is Rosemary Ackerman but everyone calls me Rose. But I'm not in the same team as him. I know what your thinking 'how can humanity's strongest soilder be your father?!?' Well that will all be explained later on.

But today is and important day cause the trannies are picking which regiment they want to join. Hopefully we'll get new members to join. But I won't get to know them until after today which sucks. But I get to help my dad clean so that's the good thing.

I don't get to see him a lot and when we have time we always try and have like a "father-daughter" bonding time. So right now I'm on my way to the guys dorms to help clean since everyone is out for training. Once I got their I saw him with his cleaning supplies ready to go.

I smiled and hugged him as he hugged back. We stayed like that for about five minutes as he lets go and hands me a rag to clean. I took the rag and started to wipe down the windows unil they sparkled in the sunlight.

By the time I was done the Windows he finished the whole room. 'I will never know how he can do that' I though to myself. "Come on time to go to practice" he said with an emotionless face. I nodded slowly as he led the way to the training grounds.

"Rose I want you to help the new bee's tommorw, teach them the ropes and where everything is" he said as he looked forward. "Okay I'll be glad to want me to make their progress folder too?" I asked so he'll have less work to do. "Sure if you don't mind" "no I don't mind at all" I said as we reached the training grounds. I gave him a quick hug as he returned it and waved goodbye as I walked into the training grounds for the rest of the day.


Once the morning came I woke up feeling sore from yesterday and started to get my uniform on. Once that was done I walked to the eating house and say down at the table closest to the door. Once everyone started to pile in I started to slightly fall asleep.

But quickly woke to someone slamming their hands on the desk causing the room to go silent. I looked up to see Ewrin. I sigh and get up hoping that i didn't have to go far. Usually when Ewrin dose that I needed for something. I kinda gets annoying after awhile especially if you only got two hours of sleep.

After about ten minutes of walking we reached my dad's office 'weird I never go here' I thought as I knocked on the door I heard a faint 'come in' I opened up the door to show my dad sitting their with an almost angry expression on his face.

'Oh god what did I do now?!?' I thought frantically. "Don't worry your not in trouble sit" he said. I moved slowly towards the seat in front of his desk and sit down.

We just found out on of the trainee is a Titan shifter. So I want you to keep a close eye on him for when they come in today. He said "Yes sir" I said as I got up and left. Yea I call him dad but he dosent like me to call him that when we're in his office. 'It's not professional' he says but I still insist to call him dad.

Anyway I look up at the clock and relize I was late. I run out the building and into the training grounds as the new trainees wait. Once I got there they all slouted me. "You guys don't have to do that." I said as they looked at me weird.

"But we are suppose to slout for the Scouts" said the guy with blonde hair. "I may be a Scout but I'm just the daughter of huminatys strongest soilder" I said as they looked at me with wide eyes. "So your Captin Levi's daughter!" They all yelled at once. I nodded slowly as they returned back to normal.

"Okay now that you guys are done your freak out then lets go on to the tour" I said with no emotion on my face. They all nodded as I turned around and led the towards the mess hall.

"Alright guys this is where you'll eat have have meetings here sometimes, Most of the guys come down here and have bro-offs after hours" I said. They all started to talk about it as I walked up to the guy with blonde hair and said "Hey are you okay?"

He looked up suprised as his face turned a crimson red. "Y-yea I'm fine" he said I smiled and said "that's good what's your name?" I said "A-Armin" he said I laughed slightly at his stuttering cause it's cute. 'Wait what did I say?!?' I just met him. I was quickly out of my gaze when Erwin came up to me and told me something.

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