Chapter #1

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If there was one thing about Clark's super hearing and X-Ray vision that he didn't like, it was the temptation to invade people's privacy. He often overheard conversations he wanted nothing to do with. From couples breaking up to couples getting together, someone getting fired, and other personal conversations he knew were none of his business. His glasses did make it harder to use the X-ray vision, making the images blurry, but that didn't allay the temptation to look in on a conversation he was hearing. It was actually quite a bother.

That being said it was sometimes interesting to see the differences between how people presented themselves and what they did when they thought no one was looking. Clark's first foray into the Daily Planet was one such occasion.

His new Boss, Perry White, had seemed like a real hard case when Clark interviewed with him. The thing Clark remembered him saying most was, "If you do end up working with me, I want big news. I don't any fluff piece about a celebrity's lost puppy or some billionaire's spending habits. If it doesn't shatter the earth, it isn't big news."

A real no nonsense guy, Clark Thought. This was why it was a big surprise to realize, as he was going up the elevator in the Daily Planet to begin his first day, that it was from Mr. White's office that he was hearing the Elvis Presley Music.

It was true. Mr. White, that guy who made Clark think of that face you make when you eat something sour, was bobbing his head to the sound of, "A Little Less Conversation," on some earbuds as he filled out paperwork.

As Clark stepped out of the elevator, however, he spotted a woman in her twenties with black hair knocking on his office. He immediately turned off the music and hid the mp3 player, saying "come in."

As the woman stepped in, Clark saw, from the back of the room, the same sour expression Mr. White had interviewed with. Clark Couldn't help but grin.

"Why so happy?" said a cheerful voice next to him.

Clark was still amazed that even with his advanced hearing he couldn't pay attention to everything at he hadn't noticed the young man with red hair, a brown jacket, and a professional camera approach him, and was, for once, taken off guard.

"Oh," said Clark, readjusting his glasses, "Just thinking of home."

"Well don't let the chief see you daydreaming," said the young man, giving his hand to shake. "He hates that...and being called chief actually...try not to imitate me."

Clark shook his his hand as the young man when from someone cheerful to a little embarrassed.

"Well," said the young man. "I'm Jimmy. Jimmy Olsen."

"Clark Kent," sadi Clark. "Nice to meet you."

"Oh!" said Jimmy. "You're the new guy. Better get in the office for first orders. The chief hates that."

"Um...You called him chief again," said Clark, trying to be as polite as possible.

Once again embarrassed, Jimmy said, "Yeah...Old habit from my previous job. Gotta watch that."

And with that he led Clark to the back office. Before they got there, Clark asked, "Is there anything Mr. White doesn't hate? Because he already mentioned a few things when he interviewed me."

"I wouldn't know," said Jimmy nervously. "I keep my head down."

Naturally Clark had already heard something Mr. White didn't hate coming from that mp3 player, he was just curious to know how many people already knew about it.

They entered the office to find Mr. White, sitting at his desk as grumpy as ever, and the woman Clark had seen earlier, whom now he had a better look at. She was a very attractive dark haired woman, albeit with a cynical expression and a raised eyebrow the moment she saw him.

"Oh kent," said Mr. White, checking his watch. "Right on time. I like that."

"Oh there's something he doesn't hate," said Jimmy from behind Clark. All those words got the young man, however, was a confused...cold stare from Perry White. Jimmy shrank back and said, "Sorry...I'll just...go take some pictures." and he left. Clark watched for a moment as he heard Jimmy muttering about keeping his mouth shut.

"Anyway," said Perry White. "Clark, this is Lois Lane, our top reporter here. She's going to show you the ropes today. Tour of the office, rundown on the paperwork, and you'll accompany her to the Lexcorp expo later to see how we do things in the field."

"Yeah yeah," said Lois, who reclined casually against a bookshelf. "I'll show you the ropes, but I'm not babysitting you. If you have questions, ask them today, because after that, you're on your own."

"Surely we're on the same team," Clark protested.

"With that attitude I give you a week," said Lois, walking past him and waiting by the door. "I'm not trying to be mean or anything. This is just a tough business. You either toughen up or get left behind."

"So you're just being cruel to be kind?" said Clark, teasing just a little.

"If it makes you feel better," said said, though Clark detected a slightly patronizing tone. "But better you get it from me first than the competition...and trust'll get it sooner or later. You coming or what?"

Clark watched her go for a moment, then turned to Mr. White and said, "Is she always like that?"

Perry White raised an eyebrow and said, "Like what?"

Right, thought Clark, I forgot who I was asking.

"Well?" Perry White. "What are you waiting for? Get to work!"

Clark Turned around and walked out of the office, only to see an impatient Lois Lane waiting by the elevator. As he closed the door behind him he couldn't help but grin as he heard the Elvis music starting up again.

This was certainly an interesting place he'd chosen to work.

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