Chapter 1: A New Day

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                                                                                    Several years later...

I walked up to our house. Finally, it was Friday! I opened the old, blue spruce door. "Dad, I'm home!" I called out. The moment my foot touched the inside, a huge, scary, furry monster barreled down the hallway and jumped on me. It was my dog. "Hey, As'! Come on, boy, down! Down!" I shouted as he unleashed a storm of licks on my face. "Hey, you wanna' play?" I asked the Husky. He sat down and shook his head no. "Well, are ya' hungry?" His response was a jump with his mouth wide open. Then, he jumped on me and licked my face some more. "Asriel! Down!" yelled Dad. The dog stepped off me and whined a little. "Hey, dad!" I said. "Hey there, David! How was school?" He asked. "Well, it was good, but school." I told him. "Today we looked at the periodic table and talked about different elements." "That's good." he said. I walked into my room and set down my bag. "Any homework?" he questioned. "Nope!" I said. I walked back out and went upstairs, where all the electronics were. Then, just as I was about to turn on our "GameStation 4", I noticed something strange. Behind our "Whee U", there was a little switch on the wall. It looked really dusty; I don't know how I haven't seen it before. I pulled the switch, having no idea what it would do. Suddenly, a bright light shone from the wall and I heard a huge "Zap"!. What was happening!? Did my house have insane secrets? "David, what was that noise?" I heard dad call out. I began to panic. "Uuuh', erm', umm' ...nothing! Nothing at all!!" I hollered. "Boy, I know that that loud zapping noise wasn't 'nothing!'" He yelled. I heard footsteps. Uh-oh! I panicked some more, not knowing what to do. It was too late by the time I thought to pull the lever back up. "What in the-?" Dad exclaimed. "Uuuh', dad, I don't know what this is!" I tried to explain. "I-I-I just, uh', noticed this here, erm', lever and, I, umm', pulled it!! I didn't know this would happen!!" I yelled. Dad stared at me with a blank face. I couldn't tell what emotion he was currently feeling. "Dad, are you okay?" I asked. He looked away for a moment, then looked back at me and sighed. "Son..." he began. "What is it, dad?" "I'm ...I'm not your real father." "What!?" I screamed. This couldn't be real. Was dad not really dad? I heard knocking on the front door downstairs. "David, your real name isn't David Franklin, it's David Crest." 'Dad' told me. "Hey 'dad', aren't you gonna get the door?" I questioned. More knocking, but this time, it was louder. I heard shouting from outside. "David, I'm your uncle. The people outside are bad people. Very bad people. People who want to steal you away." He said. "You are a very special boy." "Uncle Stan, everyone's a 'special person'" I said. "No, David, you are more special and important than anyone else in the world. You are destined to save two worlds! Now run into that-" He was cut off by the sound of the front door smashing into millions of tiny pieces. "GO! GO! GO!" I heard from downstairs. "Run!! Get in the portal!" Uncle Stan screamed at me. Well, he didn't have to tell me twice! I sprinted towards the swirling green circle. Just then, I heard steps coming up the stairs. I turned around to see my uncle dual-wielding katanas and fighting off strange men in black suits who were wielding identical katanas. Where did he even get them? "Just run! Don't worry about me, I took eight years of sword fighting class!" He yelled. Then, I heard barking. Asriel came barreling through the room and almost hit me. He looked like he wanted to come with me. "Okay, boy, let's go!" I told him. I turned back around, took a deep breath, and jumped into the unknown...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2016 ⏰

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