Luke Imagine :)

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Imagine: Today is the day you've been waiting for months now. You finally get to see 5sos in concert. After all of the scratching out the days on the calender, and constantly flipping out to your friends about it. It's happening. You wake up and put on your favorite outfit. You aren't a very 'over the top girly girl' so your outfit was a little plain but you added your own style to it. You wore your favorite 5sos light blue sweater with gray sweatpants and blue converse. You wern't very sure of how to do your hair, so you decided to straighten it. But left a few cute curls here and there. Now your make up was very plain. You just wore some mascara and some eyeliner to make your eyes stand out a little bit.  

"Wow I actually look good." You said to yourself as you put on your black and blue 5sos snapback. You woke up at exactly 6:00 am and was done at 6:30 am.Now all you are waiting for is your friends to come pick you up. You were getting picked up in a limo because you won a contest for free tix, and limo ride to the concert, AND you & your best friend get to meet the boys after the show! (cool right?) Well by the time you were done daydreaming about what all is gonna happen today, the limo was there to pick you up. You say hi to your bestfriend and get into the car. The concert doesnt start until 7:30 pm. But the arena is far away from where you live so, by the time you guys get to the arena, it will be time for the show to start. After unpatientley waiting for hours, you arrive at the arena. "This is it. This is finally the day I get to meet Luke Robert Hemmings from the amazingly talented and perfect boyband from Australia." You get out of the car and start to walk into where your seats are when your best friend has to use the restroom. The whole time you keep fixing your hair and make-up when your bestfriend notices and says "Y/N Your hair and make-up looks fine! Let's gooo!"  

You double check it again just to make sure it really does look good. When you guys get to your seats you can't believe your eyes. When they said that you won front row tix, they literally meant that you won front row tix! You wern't even two feet away from the stage! You started shaking and biting your nails because you were so nervous. "What is Luke gonna think of me when we meet? HOW'S MY HAIR LOOK?! Ohhh I hope he likes me. I wonder if my make-up still looks good?! Ohh-" you were interupted by the sight of your first true love. Luke Roberts Hemmings was standing literally right in front of you and started singing the lyrics to 'Try Hard'. You stood there in complete shock with your jaw dropped. If it wasnt for your bestfriend snapping you out of it, you would of still been standing there frozen. You then just started singing and basically screaming every single word to every song that they sung. Every now and then you would catch Luke looking over and smirking at you. Sometimes he would occassionaly even wink at you. And everytime he did you would lose your breath. You just couldn't believe this was happening. After constantly screaming about, and singing along to every word, the concert ended. And now it was time for the meet and greet. You finally get to meet THE Luke Robert Hemmings from the most perfect band you've EVER laid eyes on. You were beyond nervous. Constantly checking your makeup and hair and asking if it looked ok. You were next. It still hasn't hit you about  what was about to happen. You walk in slowly and there he was. The boy of your dreams. All of the boys were sweaty, yet still in sweaters. It was your turn to meet Luke. You slowly walked up to him wondering what's gonna happen. He smiled widely and said "Hello Beautiful!" you looked at the ground and shyly said hi. "What's your name?:)" he replied. You tried to tell him your name but you just couldn't get it out because it was beyond freezing. Being the gentleman he is, he gave you his penguin hat and his famous letterman jacket that he wears everywhere. On the outside you acted like he didnt have to give you his hat and jacket. But on the inside you were screaming of excitement. His jacket smelled like heaven. He smells beyond perfect. Now it is time to take a picture with him. You both can't decide whether you wanna take a normal picture or funny picture. For the normal picture Luke wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you in close. You can just hear his heart beating and you are just mezmorized of how good he smells. You find your self in a trance and just stay there for longer than 7 seconds. Neither one of you decide to let go until one of the security gaurds yell and tell you both to hurry up because more people are waiting. Luke just ignores them, holds you a little longer then lets go of you. Then for the funny picture, you jump on Luke's back, and lean your head towards his. You squint your eyes and crinkle your nose to make a funny face when all of a sudden you feel warm, plump, soft lips against your cheek. It was the best feeling ever. Sadly, it all comes to an end and you leave. You kiss Luke on the cheek good bye and thank him for being such an amazing idol. As you were about to leave, he grabs your hand and pulls you back. You get a confused look on your face and just when you were about to say something, he interupts you and says "You forgot something..." and winks. He hands you a little piece of paper with a note that says "text me sometime beautiful;)" As you sit in the limo and wait for some of the traffic to leave, you decide to text the #.

((your convo with him))  

YOU: "Hello Luke? It's me y/n :)" 

LUKE: "Hi sweety. I just wanna say that the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew that you had something special. Ever since you left I can't stop thinking about you. So I was just wondering...would you like to go out on a date with me y/n? "

Thanks for reading guys! :D It's my first imagine so I'm sorry if it stinks or is to basic...:p
Please if you may vote/comment/like/share whatever you wanna :) I would just love to know what y'all think and if you guys think I should try and continue to make more with the other boys:)


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2013 ⏰

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