Kaneki x Male!Suicidal!Ghoul!Reader

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Everyone went silent. Kaneki did it. He killed Arima, seriously wounding himself in the process. He limped over to you, and put his hand on your shoulder.

"(M-m/N)...." He said weakly before collapsing in front of you.


Present day:

That was a year ago. In the fight with Arima, he won by the skin of his teeth, going into a coma after collapsing on you. You were currently speaking to his unconscious form, hoping he could hear you somehow.

"K-Kaneki, baby, please come back to me," you said, gripping his hand, playing with his white hair, "please, please, I need you here with me."

You attended the same school as Touka, and everyone picked on you because you were shorter than average and gay. In the year he's been asleep, the bullying got worse. Tears flowed out of your (E/C) eyes. Deciding you had been there long enough, you told him goodbye and left, grabbing your stuff from school and heading home. Little did you know, he knew what you were saying and was trying his best to come back, and he didn't know what you were planning to do when you got home.

Kaneki's POV:

Where am I? 

"K-Kaneki, baby, please come back to me, please, please, I need you here with me."

I know that voice, it's (M/N).... what's he doing here? Why can't I move?

"Please, I need you to wake up. The bullying is getting worse. I-I need you back. Please."

How long have I been out? 

"Goodbye, Kaneki. I'll probably never see you again."

Normal POV:

You held the Rc Suppressants, debating whether or not to do it.

He's never going to wake up.

What if he does?
He won't. Just do it. No one will miss you.

Maybe you're right....

I am.

Giving in, you took the suppressants and headed to the kitchen, grabbing a knife, then to the bathroom.

Filling the tub with water, you got in, slitting your veins, until you couldn't move. At least, you couldn't move your arm, something was holding onto you.


You recognized that voice immediately. It was Kaneki. You looked down out of shame.

"(M/N), look at me."

You shook your head.

Having enough of that, Kaneki put his hand under your chin, forcing you to look up.

"(M/N), why are you doing this to yourself?"

"I-I.....I thought you were gone.... I don't have anything else to live for. Everyone hates me, I'm stupid, ugly, fat, and overall a terrible Ghoul."

"You're wrong. They're wrong. You are the most beautiful creature I've ever laid eyes on. You're gorgeous," he looked at your arms, seeing scars, "even with your scars. Anyone who hurts you, they're wrong, and I will make sure they know that."

"I doubt that.... I don't know what you see in me! There are so many people better looking than me.... I-"

He cut you off with a kiss. He pulled back and his kakugan had manifested. He leaned to your ear, licking the shell of it.

"If you don't believe me, I'll have to prove it to you, now won't I?"

Kaneki x Male!Suicidal!Ghoul!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now