Chapter 1: Wake Up

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Author's Note: Hello everyone! So it's been a while since I've posted a fic, but here we go! Like I said in my message (incase you didn't see it), I am going to be transferring over some old fics from my AO3 account, so you will probably be getting a lot of notifications that you don't care about, but please don't unfollow me! I love you guys so much <3 Anyway, this was my first attempt at Sharja. Hope you enjoy.

Sharon den Adel awoke to the feeling of a 500 pound hammer being pounded repeatedly into her skull. Actually, she was pretty sure there was a handsaw in there too.

She knew the feeling of a hangover all too well, but it had been a long time since she had had one, especially one as bad as this. She tried to remember what had happened the night before, but her mind was drawing a blank. The last thing she remembered was going out to a bar with everyone after the show.

She couldn't believe herself. She was 41 years old, for god's sakes, not 20. She wasn't supposed to be out partying like this. Those days were far behind her.

She had to interrupt her mental scolding when her senses had awoken enough to realize that she was naked. And not only that, but there was another body lying very close to hers. Actually, there was someone lying half on top of her.

She immediately started to panic. What had she done? She had gotten so drunk that she had obviously slept with someone and she couldn't remember a thing? What was wrong with her?

A thought hit her that immediately calmed her down. Maybe it was Robert. They were on tour, so that was definitely a possibility. Maybe they had all gone out and partied and then gone back to their hotel rooms

But whoever was in the bed with her did not feel like Robert. The skin she felt against her legs and stomach was much too soft. Actually, it felt like a woman.

Sharon opened her eyes slowly, wincing at the bright sunlight streaming in through the windows. When her eyes had finally adjusted, she looked down and her blood froze when she saw long dark hair spread out across the pillow next to her.

She had slept with Tarja. Tarja Turunen. Her friend, her colleague. Her heart started racing as she thought of the possible consequences of her actions. They were on tour together. After realizing what had happened, Tarja probably wouldn't even want to sing with her anymore. She also could have ruined the beautiful friendship that she held so dear to her heart. Sharon closed her eyes again, feeling close to tears. What had she done?

Their tour was ending. Tonight. Their last show was tonight.

Panic seized her and she slowly turned over on her side, careful not to disturb Tarja, to look at the clock on the nightstand.

It was 10:54. After a quick scan of her surroundings, she realized that she didn't recognize the hotel room they were in. It looked completely different from the one she had been staying at the day before in Geneva, which meant that it couldn't even have been the same hotel. How far had they gone? The last show was in Paris; they had to be there by 3:00 for soundcheck and rehearsal and then the concert started at 8:00.

And that's when she felt Tarja start to stir next to her.

Sharon squeezed her eyes shut and prayed to god that she hadn't woken her up.

But it was too late.

"Vittu," she heard Tarja mutter, and she couldn't keep her lips from curving upwards.

Tarja mumbled something under her breath that Sharon couldn't make out, but she guessed it was a string of Finnish curse words. Sharon opened her eyes again and watched as Tarja slowly rolled over from where she had been laying, her face buried in the pillow and her leg slung over Sharon's body. Her hair was obscuring half her face as she opened her eyes and squinted at her surroundings. Then she looked over at Sharon.

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