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Ludwig's POV

I was walking through the streets of Berlin with my hands full of grocery and cold nipped my face. Blizzards in Germany are horrible this time of year. Arriving at the door of my house, I was about to unlock the door when I realized there was someone laying face first in the snow.

"Vhat the hell?!" I mumbled to myself. I placed my groceries on the porch and rush to the unconscious person. I flipped the person, so I could see who they were. To my shock, it was Feliciano, laying in the snow. His face was blue from the extremely freezing cold temperature. Feli's breaths were barely noticeable and I checked his pulse. Slow, but alive. I picked Feliciano up bridal style, unlocked the door, and walked in with him.

Timeskip and POV change

Feliciano's POV

My eyes slowly fluttered open as I regained consciousness. I was laying on a couch with lots of blankets and a heating pad on my head. Where am I?

"You almost died of hypothermia," said a familiar German accent. I looked up at Ludwig sitting on a loveseat near a lamp. He was reading a book and wearing his reading glasses.

"Ve~! Ludwig!" I squeaked with happiness and smiled at him. Ludwig saved me! Like the countless other times he has! He looked at me with concern and asked, "Before I ask hov you're feeling, I must ask...VHY VERE YOU VALKING DURING A BLIZZARD?!?!

I yelped at his tone and hid under the blankets with fear. Ve! Why does he always yell?! It makes me scared! Ve...why is Ludwig always so angry...?

"Feliciano, show your face like a true man," he grunted before I poked my head from the bundle of blankets.

"You could of die..." Ludwig whispered as he suddenly hugged me. I squeaked at the sudden contact, but wrapped my arms around his torso from warmth. Ludwig was very warm and helped me defrost a bit more. He ended our hug and sat beside me. His face was tinted with pink and asked, "S-sorry about that. But how are you feeling?"

"Ve...I'm-a still cold-a..." I whispered before engulfed myself in the blanket. I swore I heard Ludwig let out a small and barely noticeable laugh. Suddenly he got up and walked to his kitchen. A few moments later, Ludwig came back with a foldout table and placed it near me.

"Ve? Ludwig, what-a are you-a doing?" I asked while wrapping myself into a blanket cocoon. He just smiled at me, which was a very rare sight, and walked back to the kitchen.

"I vill be back in a fev minutes," he said from the kitchen. I nodded and waited for him to come back. He returned after 10 or so minutes in the kitchen with a bowl containing soup and a spoon.

"It's tomato soup, your favorite..." he mumbled and placed them on the foldout table. I chapped my hands with joy and answered, "Grazia, Ludwig! I love-a tomato soup-a!"

I picked up the spoon and began drinking the soup. It was amazing and had a delicious aroma. Ludwig is one of the best chefs I have ever met! Speaking of Ludwig, he was staring, out one of the windows, at the snowfall.

"Looks like ve're gonna be struck together for a while," he mumbled to himself as I continued to eat/drink my delicious soup of soup.

Trapped in a Blizzard (A Gerita Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now