Chapter One

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Dean wasn't fond of research, to put it lightly. While part of the reason for his distaste in it is how time consuming researching was, but most of all it was frustrating considering he had very little experience and never had to do it himself very often. Sam was the one to take out his computer or a book in one swoop, and spend hours searching through each until he found what he wanted. But the eldest brother had forced Sam to stay in his room to rest, so he was going to be the one to do his little brother's job. Even with the mental wall protecting him, Dean was worried for Sam. He had been warned that Sam shouldn't so much as scratch it, but how? He didn't fully understand what that meant, so he made sure the younger Winchester was taking it slow and steady for the next few weeks or so, despite Sam's protests.

So now Dean was sitting in a rather uncomfortable wooden chair at their newest zero star hotel, searching through book after book with his brother's laptop set off to the side for later use. Bobby hadn't found much of anything either, forcing Dean even more so to continue. With a sip from a small whiskey cup he poured for himself hours prior, the elder brother continued to scan through the remaining books he had snatched from the library. He allowed his heavy eyelids to close occasionally, only to shake himself out of sleep which was steadily approaching by the minuet. Still nothing, or maybe he had already forgotten what he was able to find?

Being snapped from his hazy, sleep deprived thoughts, he flinched a bit when Sam approached him. "Dean you look like crap, what are you doing up so late?" He asked, voice and expression full of genuine concern. Dean couldn't help but smile to himself at his reaction, he almost seemed to have forgotten Sam when he had his soul. "Oh uh... It's nothing, just go back to sleep."

Sam didn't seem convinced, and loomed over his older brother's shoulder to peer down at the contents upon the desk in front of him. "Then why-" He was cut off by Dean closing the books and laptop. "Nothing! Nothing, go back to sleep before I throw your ass back to bed myself." He huffed, gentle yet tired smile spread across his features.

Sam furrowed an eyebrow, followed by a chuckle. "Wait... Don't tell me you've been up all night actually doing research." He faked an astonished expression, only for Dean to send a light punch to his shoulder. "Go to beeeeed." He groaned out, pushing on the younger Winchester.

Sam laughed softly and smiled. "Alright, you win.." He turned, making his way into a small separate bedroom. "Don't stay up too much longer, it's two in the morning. I'm going to come back out just to see that you're in bed by two thirty."

Dean released a quiet huff of amusement. "Fine, fine... Night, Sammy." He murmured, running a hand through his own locks of brown hair.

"Night, Dean.." The younger responded, and stepped inside the room fully and closed the door behind him.

Dean exhaled deeply, leaning back against the wooden chair. He rested his eyes longer this time, holding onto memories of that short interaction with Sam moments before. He cared for him so much, and wanted nothing more than his younger brother to be safe and happy.. seemed that he finally was becoming his normal self once more, which made Dean all the more contented and revealed. Sure they were all six feet deep in crap, but all the elder brother wanted was for them, Bobby, and Castiel to stay together and get through it all together like they always have. Cas...

Dean shook the thoughts of the angel out of his mind, releasing a sigh. He sure did miss him, more than he would admit. That naive little head tilt he would do when he didn't understand Dean's sarcasm or references, how he'd always appear when he least expected it, how he'd always respond with a simple: "Hello, Dean", when he would answer the elder brother's call. But now he had much more important matters to attend to, and answering Dean's calls only seemed to be an inconvenience. He thought of the angel as a second brother, and he worried about him liked he worried about Sam.

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