Part 1: The Surprise

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I need your help! There is a couple books that I have read in the past, back when I first joined wattpad, and I can't remember the titles. For the past week, I have been searching everywhere for them with no luck. If you recognise the descriptions and know the title or even the author please comment or message me about it. I know they aren't very good descriptions but I'd really appreciate any help at all.

1. This is a werewolf story. This girl goes to a club that allows underage teenagers in. She meets the alpha but they are too young to recognize each other as mates. They do the fricky frack and she ends up pregnant. I think she either turns rogue or moves away. But after the kid is born, maybe toddler age, she meets the alpha again and they know they are mates. She moves in with him. She knows he is the father but doesn't tell him. I don't think I ever finished that story so that's all I remember.

2. Another werewolf story. This girl is abused and raped by her father and takes the morning after pills constantly. She has a motorcycle named maddog, I'm pretty sure she got it from a scrap yard and fixed it up so she's very proud and protective of it. They move to a new house and the alpha or soon to be alpha meets her at school I think and knows they are mates. This girl and her father are werewolves, rogues to be specific, but she doesn't know anything about werewolves so as far as she knows, she is human. She doesn't smell like a werewolf but i think her alpha mate is the only one who can smell werewolf on her and it confuses him because nobody else does. There is another girl, a bad character, who is in the alphas pack but is secretly the abusive fathers daughter. The father and the bad girl make plans against the main girl and the alpha and his pack.

Again, if you can help me I'm eternally grateful. Even if you can't help, at least you read it, even that's something.

Don't forget to vote for this chapter! Please leave comments on things I need to fix or comment your love for something. Comment on this paragraph if you would like to get this chapter dedicated to you or anyone of your choosing. Thanks for reading!!!

"Abby!!" My mother yelled from downstairs. I was a bit surprised to find her home because her and my father are always out of town on business. They are sharks as the humans call really good lawyers. I wonder if my father is home also. We are werewolves, but our old alpha was cruel, so we went rouge 5 years ago and went to live with the humans. They both got jobs in New York, and that's where we ended up. My birthday is in a week, and I am super excited because I turn 16 and that is when werewolves can find their mates. I often think about what my mate would be like. Attractive. Strong. Protective.

"Get your ass down here now Abbigail!" That brought me out of my daydream.

I got out of bed.

"Shiit!" I gasped.

Big mistake. As soon as I lifted the blanket cold air nipped my skin. I brought my feet to the floor and slipped into my slippers. Cursing to myself, I walked downstairs to find my mother and father in the family room. I sat on the love seat across from them and waited for them to speak.

My mother folded her hands on her lap and cleared her throat.

"Sweety, your father has gotten an incredible offer at a job in California. He would be making a significantly larger salary, and we just can not refuse. So, pack your bags! We are leaving tomorrow."

I don't understand. I am happy here. I have a lot of friends here and it's not like we don't have enough money. We have just enough for our needs and wants.

"What? We can't move!! All of my friends are here. I can't ju.."

"Enough." My father stared daggers at me. He pointed a finger at me, "You are a child. You do not get a say in the matter. Go pack everything you need for a couple days and be ready for the airport by 9:00 am. We will hire someone to come get the rest of the stuff and bring it to California."

And with that he shooed me out of the room to begin packing.

I treadge up stairs and just wish this wasn't happening. When I go into my room I go to my closet and dig through all the crap piled in there, because I am a hoarder and hate getting rid of stuff. I finally find my purple suitcase and throw it onto the bed. I run my hand though my hair and bite my lip, which is what I do when I get nervous.

Well, I better suck it up and make the best of it, I thought.

When I was done going through my stuff finding what I need, I zip up my suitcase and shove it on the floor. I crawl into bed and snuggle into my purple blanket. My clock says it's 11:07.

After a few moments and falling half asleep I hear my door creak open and my light comes on, blinding me. I burrow into my blanket shielding my eyes.

"Abby. sweety?" My mother asks. I look up, my eyes slowly adjusting to the blinding light.

She comes over and crawls into bed beside me. My mother wraps her arm around me and brushes my hair with her fingers. I snuggle closer to her wanting to cherish this rare moment with her.

"You know I love you, right?" She asks

"Yes, mommy, I love you too." I smile a small innocent smile and I hear her sigh behind me.

"Your father does too, he just.. has a hard time expressing it." She struggles to find the right words.

I know they both love me. They are just really busy working all the time. I miss them a lot though. I miss having parents and being a normal family and being considered normal at school. I used to be really uncomfortable at my school because everyone there are humans and they don't know that we exist. It's really lonely being different. My friends are great but all they care about is money, popularity, and sex. I don't care about any of that. I just pretend so I don't get excluded and feel even more alone. I like to call them my friends, but I know that if it really came to counting on them they wouldn't break a nail for me. Maybe at this new school, there will be a pack that will accept me and I will make new friends, real friends. Suddenly, the whole idea of moving is really exciting. And hey, maybe I will find my mate!

I look over at my mom and notice she is asleep. I listen to her breathes and I finally close my eyes submitting to sleep.

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