If you're Forrest, would you do the same thing as what he did in the story? Why?

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Maybe Yes and maybe No. Yes because I want to be fair and I want to divide everything equally. Who cares if Ray is the older brother than me? Will it affect our relationship as siblings? No! Definitely no. Whatever may happen, we're always be siblings. It won't matter if who's the older or younger, since we are the only heirs, we should divide the estate between the two of us only.

And no because if I really know that Ray will just keep the money, well then, in the very beginning, I won't redo the will, and if he will arrived to Clanton, I will tell him about the money and both of us will think the better plan if what's the better thing to do with the money or we will just decide that the half of the money will be given to him, and the other half will be mine. Then, it'll be fair.

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