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I look up and to see my best friend David happily munching on an apple. He takes another large bite.


"Dude, really?" I ask shaking my head at him.

"What?" He replies with a mouth full. He quickly finishes his bite. "What? I gotta stay fit, which includes eating healthy."

"I know but does mean you have to be so loud while you're doing it?" I complained.

"Well sorry that not everyone has such a high metabolism like you do Andy." David scoffs back.

"Hey if you keep working at it, Davy, then you'll get to where you don't have to worry bout it either." I said mockingly.

"Ugh, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?" He scowls at me.

"As many times as I've told you not to call me Andy." I glare back at him.

"Come now guys, let's not fight while we're eating." A female voice says from over my shoulder.

David and I turn to see two females standing by our table with trays of food in their hands. One was a tall blonde, Quinn, while the other was a brunette with red streaks in her hair, Sherry. She was also David's girlfriend. I let out a big sigh and we moved over to make room for the girls at our table. Quinn sat with me while Sherry sat with David. They quickly shared a kiss, while Quinn and I made gaging sounds as soon as their lips touched.

"Oh stop that. You guys know that it annoys me when you do that." Sherry said scolding us.

"Yeah we know. That's why we do it." Quinn said giving me a high five.

"You know, you two would make a cute couple." David said eyeing us.

Quinn and I looked at each other for a moment, then bursted out laughing.

"Us? Dating? I said between laughs.

"Yeah, no. We're best friends, besides you all know I'm lesbian." Quinn says with a smile.

"Yeah, that's one of the perks of us being best friends. She can check out other girls with me." I joke and smile.

I look down at my phone and continue reading the news article that I had pulled up before getting distracted by David.

"Whatcha got there?" Quinn asks peaking over at my screen.

"Just some news article about some recent activity that has been going on in the city. Police have found these weird animal bodies around the city. Most of them are rotten or were brutally mutilated." I say to her while I continue to read.

"I don't know how you can stand to read that stuff. It's disgusting." Sherry says.

"Does it say if they have any clue as to how they died? Was it the typical stray dog attack that happens every so often?" David asks curiously.

"Babe!" Sherry says scolding him.

"What?" He asks sarcastically.

"It doesn't say." I say quickly. "Hopefully it won't spread too far."

"Hey what are we doing for graduation? I know its a few months away but it's still good to have a plan." Quinn suddenly asks.

"Oh shit, I almost  forgot!" I mentally screamed at myself.

"Oh yeah, that's right. We agreed to do something together for graduation didn't we?" David says out loud.

I let out a sigh of relief knowing I wasn't the only one that forgot. "Well most people would go out and party or go to fancy restaurants. Then again we aren't like most people, now are we?" I chuckled.

"That's for sure. So how about we all come to my house instead? It's big enough for us and I'm the only one with a pool." David offers.

After a few moments of silent thinking and nods it was agreed. The bell rings and everyone but me gets up. We say our goodbyes and see ya laters, then they went to class. I remained sitting in my seat and watch the flow of high schoolers walk by my table.

"They're all going to die. Every last one of them." A voice whispers in my ear.

A sensation of dread and cold washed over me and I shiver. I look around to see if someone is joking with me, but there's not a person in sight. Sighing, I get up and throw away the tray of food that I barely touched. Walking outside to see if the sun light will help warm me up I only to get disappointment as the cold stays. Pulling out my jacket from my backpack I turn right and walk out towards my car. I open the door and toss my backpack into the passenger seat before settling down in the driver seat and closing the door. As the car starts up the radio turns on loud static, I quickly flick the knob to stop the noise. Shaking my head, I drive the car out of the parking lot and race towards the back roads to my house. The further I got the more the cold got worse. As I reach over to turn on the heater, the cold suddenly disappears. A sharp right turn on the road ahead comes, and as I get halfway through the turn something slams against the front left side of the car. I try to keep the car under control as it skids and starts to spin. Unfortunately the car hits a pothole and flips then begins to roll. I lock myself into place and ride the crash out. The front windshield shatters and glass sprays across my face. The sound of metal scraping and groaning is all that fills my ears. The car comes to a rest upside down, and something warm trickles down my face. Light starts to fade from my vision, and a loud roar is the last thing I hear before I slip into unconsciousness.  

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