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This is what happens when u get to do mural painting on your own.

"But oppa! She's so pretty , both of us are faceless unlike you! " The other girl whined and hit the chest of the mysterious guy.

His eyes trailed away from mine as he faced the two faceless spirits.

"Stop hunting for faces from girls, those aren't yours! How many faces have you already stolen, I can't let you take the face of this girl this time. " the guy spoke up and grabbed my right hand before fleeing away.

Our footsteps came to a halt when i realised that we we're standing at the edge of a cliff. I curiously peeked down and saw a huge amount of water beneath us, there was a huge waterfall in front of us as well.

As if on cue, stones suddenly appeared out of no where.

The stones were floating in mid air and the mysterious boy just walked on it as if it was nothing.

Realizing that I was still not moving at all, the boy sighed, " cmon, you won't die, at least when I'm around you. "

Somehow his words conforted me, I mastered up my courage and took a few steps before landing with a thud on the ground that was just in front of the waterfall.

"Grab my hand , If not you'll get soaked." He says and I just followed. Surprisingly the water repelled us, our bodies passed through it as if it was just air.

We were now in a cave, different coloured crystals and rubies were stuck along with the walls of the cave. "Woah. " I commented as I checked myself out on a saphire gemstone that seemed to be really big, as compared to those sold on the markets.

"Those gems have been here for thousands and thousands of years, that's why they look so huge. Now, what's your name darling? " he chuckles lightly and poked my cheeks.

Something in me stirred as I made eyecontact with him, " Genevieve, my name is Genevieve but you can address me as Gen. " I said wanting to shake hands.

He gladly took my hands and shake it, " my name is Shi Woo . Now that we know each other, may I know why are you roaming around in our spirit world? And how did you manage to see me... or all of us? "

I crossed my legs and took a seat on the ground, " well basically i made a promise to a guy called Reuben , I'm suppose to find him a woman to marry, a dead one. " I whispered the last part and his eyes widened, " Is he dead too? "

I nod.

"Well that's easy, I can find girls for him like a magnet ! No one defies the prince here. " He grinns and winked at me, my eyebrows raised, processing the words that he said.

"Prince? "

"Yea, I'm the prince of the underworld, those 2 faceless girls... they are my sisters. "

The girl in front of me, such beautiful, flawless creature.

So rare.

I have never seen someone like her before.

My hands went up to her cheeks without myself even noticing, my palm comes in contact with her soft cheeks, "soft. " I muttered under my breath as I was completely taken aback by her beauty.

"Perhaps... are you still single? " I asked her and she looked at me with those two big eyes.

"My status is quite complicated, I'm not sure if I'm still taken or single actually. " she sounded alittle hesistant and I frowned alittle, " Father would definitely like you, come, let me bring you to him. " I said and led her towards a door.

The cave was black and I was in total darkness with Gen, I could feel her trembling, hence I cupped her small petite body with my black long wings, holding her in my warmth.

"Thanks. " she says and managed to smile alittle.

"Where are you from? Earth? Because girls here doesnt have a face at all. " I asked curiously and she gave me a confused look.

"Oh really? But why do you have o-" before she could complete her sentence, I could hear a low monstrous groan.

I immediately dropped to my knees and kneeled down to pay respect to Hades, my father.

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