Chapter 3: +wedding planning

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I woke up and notice a ring on my finger, yep, I'm about to get married, I don't feel sad or anything negative, it's just that, the wedding is too early, there's gonna be a lot of planning. Let me check the time.... 7am. Great, I'm early today. Got 3 hours until we start the wedding planning with DJ's family.

So...... The moment when I wake up and notice a ring on my finger...... BEST MOMENT. Wedding planning is at 10am with Kath's family and I got 3 hours to get ready.

I went straight to the bathroom and I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and took a shower. I went down stairs to eat breakfast.
" morning mum, morning dad"
" morning lovely" both of them said
" Kathryn I called your boss and said you will have a break for 4 months" mum said
" wait what" I said
" is there a problem"  mum said
" ummm no"
Having a break of work for 4 months, would i be fired? Oh well.
* Eating breakfast*
I got changed and today's outfit is... black leather skirt, red+black flannel with black ankle boots. After I changed I got on my laptop and I'm on Social Media, since I got nothing to do.

Just finished brushing my teeth, showered and off down stairs to eat.
* eating breakfast*
Okay I'm gonna change, What should I wear?..... Maroon jeans ,Santa Cruz t- shirt with black Vans.

*2 hours later*

"Kath let's go" mum said
" okayy, coming"
" I'll be in the car" dad said
We got in the car and drove to a place where there's wedding planning to do. It takes 30 minutes of driving to arrive.

" Let's go" Mum said
" coming"
We got in the car and my dad started driving.

*30 minutes later*

We here and the place already looks amazing.
" it's beautiful"
" yea, oh here Daniel's family" Dad said
" Hi Mr and Mrs Padilla"
" hi Mr and Mrs Bernado"
" Let's go" mum said
We were inside and my mum and Mrs Padilla was talking to the owner.
* few hours later*
It's planning time

Finally we finish the talking.
" okay so, Kathryn and Daniel we think u guys should have a Beach Wedding in the Philippines, it's bright, tropical and beautiful" mum said
" so, what do u guys think" mr Bernado said
" it's brilliant" Kath said
" I agree"
Okay Beach wedding it is
" what colour should it be?" Mrs Bernado said
" pink and white looks nice" dad said
" yes it is, u guys cool with that" mum said
" yes I'm cool with that, Kath?"
" yea I'm cool with that" Kath said

Wow! Beach wedding! GOD!! I CAN'T WAITTTT! 
* parents talking to the owner*
" okay so everything is sorted out, so the only thing is the wedding dress, cake, tuxedos, photo and the date" mum said
" excuse me, your wedding date is available on February is the 3rd, 14th, 27th, so which date do u prefer" the owner said
" 14th isn't that Valentine Day?" Mum said
" yea it is, okay so the 14th seems the perfect day for a wedding" mr Padilla said
" I think too" DJ said
" we will pick the 14th"
" okay, great, thank you" owner said
" thanks, see you"

Great! Valentine days!
" Kath, having a wedding on Valentine day was a good choice"
" yea , I like how we celebrating, valentine and our wedding on a same day, more love" Kath said
" hah yea"
" I'm hungry, let's go to a restaurant" Mr bernado said
" yea lets go" dad said

* way to restaurant*
* we here*

" okay guys I just order the food" mum said
" Hey Daniel, are you still working?"
" no, my mum told the boss I'm having a break for a few months, wut bout u?"
" yea same"

" okay, I think we should stop calling each other Mr and Mrs, like our actual name"
" yea I agree " Mrs B said
" call me Karla, my husband Rommel"
" call me Luzvi for short and my husband Teo for short too" Luzvi said
" okay good, Kathryn, u can start calling me, Mum Karla"
" okay, Mum Karla"

" Daniel call me Mum Luzvi"
" sure Mum Luzvi" DJ said
" call me Dad Teo" Teo said
" sure Dad Teo" DJ said
" and Kath call me, Dad Rommel"
" yes Dad Rommel"

" I'll get the food"
* 30 minutes later *
We all home

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