love, hatred and ignorence......

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~The preface~

one could probably kill herself for the mere joy n feeling of happiness inside. this was the night of her dreams, she expected evrything to be that of a nice fairy tale, where evryone lived happily ever after....

kayla was waiting in her glorious hotel suite, made n flourished as she wanted just for the night. anyone who was in this room could feel n get immeadiately lost in the warm, appealing atmosphere the room created, it was heavenly n filled with love.... 

her crimson white wedding dress was elegently custom made specially with real diamond spread n lace netting with her favourite stone ( tourmaline opal, n pink opal) in a cluster lined across her neck embedded in a satin fold.. as a a whole already the dress was labeld as the dress of the centuary....she was feeling so happy....suddenly doors flew open, and she froze in shock ....there he was her worst nightmare.. leo nevesky smiling at her...she felt sick at the sight , with buring eyes she galred at him....he looked at her with amusement....n gave her the most shocking news she ever heard in her life....the news which was so unbeleivable, but knowing leo as much as she knew, she was sure it wasnt a lie..." Ms.kayla addriane lewis married to Mr. leo nevesky" de satement on the papers froze kayla in a shock n disgust at the same suddenly hit her, the whole love was a drama he had created ....a play she had unknowingly had being the lead player and was tricked to a wedding she would rather die....she gave a weak smile at him....leo however kept looking at her as if she was a million dollar was so true...she was his and she couldnt do anythin about it....unless a miracale happend or she somehow finds away out of the utter chaos .......silently she prayed herself, she would make leo regret that he ever married to her ......

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