Chapter Thirty-Nine

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I'm sorry the update wasn't sooner but this chapter was really hard for me to write. There are still a couple of chapters left and a lot more of Angela and Adriano's story to be told but I want to thank you for reading this far. I'm so grateful.

Autumn xo


"What happened? Is he going to be alright?" Angela's voice came out panicked. She shot up out of bed and quickly made her way over to Adriano to comfort him. She took his hand in hers and looked up at him, seeing the anger and devastation in his eyes. Adriano shook his eye and pinched the bridge of his nose, squeezing his eyes shut.

"I don't know Angie. I really don't, he's been shot twice. I need to go now."

"Let me come with you, please." She tugged at his hand gently. He thought for a moment and then nodded slowly at her.

"Okay, go and get ready. We need to go soon."

Within just a minute, the two had frantically gotten changed and were making their way downstairs to Adriano's car. One of the guards drove this time while Adriano and Angela sat in the back. Angela tried her best to comfort Adriano but she knew that at a time like this, it didn't matter what anyone tried to do. They sat in a silence Angela knew he needed as he milled over his thoughts. His mind was racing and he couldn't begin to think about what he would do next because he knew exactly who had done this to his brother- The DeLuco gang- Adamo and his family.

He reached out and grabbed her hand, needing the contact. He couldn't deal with any of this again. He couldn't lose Mike, another brother, another family member, he wouldn't be able to survive. Angela looked up at him, tears forming in her eyes but she held them back. She had to be strong for Adriano. They looked at each other- no words needed. He held his arms out and took her into a tight, wanting hug. Angela completely understood how shattered Adriano might have been at that time. She hoped Mike was going to be alright.

"I'm so sorry Adriano." She said.

"He's really hurt Angie, my uncle sounded so worried on the phone. I know it's serious, I don't know what I'm going to do." She heard how upset he was in his voice and held him tighter for a moment.

"Shh, you're going to be alright." Angela soothed him, rubbing his back gently as she spoke.

Soon enough, they arrived at the hospital and both rushed inside with the guards to try and find Mike's room.

Giovanni was waiting outside in the hallway for them, a gut-wrenching and exhausted expression on his face. He had his arms crossed but unfolded them and stood up straight when Adriano and Angela stood in front of him.

"How is he?" Adriano asked, all emotion gone from his voice.

"He's not doing too good Adriano, he's asleep right now but you two can go in and see him if you want."

Adriano gave Giovanni a short nod before taking Angela's hand again and walking into the hospital room. They greeted Adriano mother and father but other than that, the room was filled with a gut-wrenching silence as they all looked at Mike lying there in a hospital bed. Angela held in her tears while Adriano stood there, looking down at his younger brother. He was asleep but he didn't look peaceful. There was a number of tubes and wires coming from his body and he was pale.

Just then, Carmela and Lucio got up. They said they were going outside for a minute and that Franco was on his way, Maria was at home with the kids. Angela heard the door closing shut and felt Adriano letting go of her hand to move closer to Mike's hospital bed. His expression was void of emotion but Angela could tell by the way he was holding himself, his angry stare, that he was furious and of course, upset.

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