Finding out

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In the Sakamaki Mansion

"oh my sons" The voice of the six boys father called out

"WHAT DO YOU WANT OLD MAN" an enraged Subaru called out appearing with the rest of his brothers

"well you see for centuries i haven't told you something, have a sister, my brother richter stole her away and sealed of her memories and vampire genes when she was born, i haven't told you until today as i have only just been able to find her where about. You will go after her" Karlheinz said before disappearing to get away from his sons who were still in shock. 

"well if she is a sakamaki then we must find her and bring her home, but he did not tell us where she is-" Kanato was cut of by their butler present them with a note by the scent of it, it was from their father, as Reiji opened it and read it he tossed it to the boy holding his teddy.

"he seems to still be listening, your question is answered we will head out tomorrow evening get ready we will be gone as long as necessary" Reiji stated before disappearing to pack along with the rest, with the exception of Shu who had found a comfy looking sofa.


In the fairy tail guild hall

"wahh, Mira my bones ache so much" a busty blond exclaimed to the over happy barmaid

"well lucy-lu how can i help, was it the mission you just came from?" Mira asked with her usual big smile 

"yes and Natsu and Grey wouldn't stop fighting all the way there and we ended up losing half our reward now i can't pay my rent." Lucy sighed helplessly "i think i will just go home and take a bath who knows some miracle may happen over night" she continued getting up and leaving for home.

Once Lucy got home she made sure to lock all the doors and windows so she wouldn't have the intrusion of her distractible team. Once done she took a bath and got ready for bed, little did she know 6 figures were walking down to fairy tail that moment.


In the morning  Lucy got up and did her daily morning routine and left for the guild. 

Lucy's p.o.v

Once i got to the guild i giggled it was as loud as usual, i opened the door to find most of the girls and some of the boys surrounding 6 people asking how they knew about.......ME!!!!

just then I had levy, Mira and lisanna form a semi-circle around me

"my, my lu i didn't know you had 6 incredibly cute admires," lisanna exclaimed hugging the life out of me.

"one, Your squishing the life out of me lisanna, and two i didn't know either" i replied truthfully not knowing i had 6 pairs of eyes on me, 

"ow well come and help me at the bar, i will pay you for your rent and while working you can get to know the 6 gentleman." Mira replied fighting not to go immediately into matchmaker mode, i quickly agreed and went to help mira at the bar, apparently i had to go speak to those guys otherwise i would have half the guilds population on my back.

"Hello i'm Lucy, may i ask why you are in our guild?" i ask them politely putting on some of my Heartfillia charm, by the looks of it it work with the one with glasses.

"yes me and my brothers came to talk with you, and may i say i am astounded by you manners," the one with glasses answered, but why want to talk with me? 

Lucy SakamakiWhere stories live. Discover now