Chapter 2- Meet my First Love

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The rest of the week past by normally; I'd walk in get greeted by an over enthusiastic Sapphire and greet Topaz. We would walk in the hallways screaming and laughing and avoiding most of the drama that we could. This week we hadn't run into any trouble which was good so we celebrated that on Friday and went to Nitza's and grabbed their famous fries and then to Redders to get our favourite drink: Green Monsters. Saturday I spend my day with Drew, Diamond, and Drew's best friend Cody.

Diamond's mom's car pulled up my driveway I opened the door to greet her,

"Hey Baby!" Diamond yelled out she had added purple streaks into her blonde hair since the last time I saw her she was wearing some high heeled boots, skin tight leopard print dress with black ripped leggings underneath.

"Hey Hun! I missed you!" I replied while hugging her tight. I met Diamond at work we partied together and ever since we've been best friends. Diamond is my third and final best friend I don’t even remember a time where I haven’t had three best friends.

"I missed you too baby girl, we have so much to catch up on!”

"True that! But we’re going to the skate park to go see Drew and Cody"

"Oh yeah I forgot about that," She looked me over and assessed my outfit, I had pulled on some tight fitting jeans with a leopard print strapless shirt and some open toed heels to finish it off. I had added black and hot pink extensions in my hair to go the extra mile. The two colours were my favourite partially to the fact that they were also the Playboy bunny colours.

"Alright were good to go! Shall we?" She asked holding out her arm towards me.

"We shall," I smiled brightly and took her arm.

We talked about the entire boy she hooked up with and how her e was all pissed off about it. We talked about Topaz and Saphie and how things were going between us. Diamond still didn't approve of them considering our past history together and the way things had been dealt with. Once we got there and saw that the boys weren’t there yet we walked to 7 Eleven so I could go get myself a slushy. When we got back the boys were patiently waiting for us. Drew smiled brightly his curly hair in his crystal blue eyes; both my favourite combination. Cody stood beside him with red underneath his black hair in an emo style cute with half his face covered. I smiled to Drew and fell into his arms hugging him tight; he leaned in and whispered in my ear,

"Hey babe, I've missed you"

"I missed you too"

I took my sweet time in his arms taking in the feel of his arms around me and the smell of cologne on his sweater. When I stepped out of the embrace I gave him a quick peck and saw that Diamond was ways away talking to some Skater guy that she knew from school and Cody was just off the side enjoying a smoke.

"How's school? The guys still giving you trouble?" Drew asked while taking my hand unoccupied by the slushy.

I shifted uneasily, the guys at my school was a touchy subject. The guys had a tendency to touch me a lot and shove me against lockers and teaming up on me all this of course was said to Drew. He was clearly upset about it and told me to go tell a teacher which I had refused to do. So he's secretly hated the guys at my school but never said anything for my sake. He narrowed his eyes at my uneasiness,

"Amethyst," he warned.

"School's good! Look, don’t worry about it! Really, it's fine." It was all but fine Wednesday before gym class started at the end of the day two of the guys from my class cornered me in the locker room. One of them held my hands behind my back while the other one slid his hand up my shirt and felt me up while gently placing kisses along my neck. At times like those I just wish that I was one the nerdy girls that guys don't pay attention to the ones I make fun of. Of course I feel bad about being mean to them but they have exactly what I want, freedom.

Drew didn't believe me; of course he didn't he never did believe me when it came to that subject. Although we've only been dating 2 weeks, we've known each other for over a year now he knew me and I knew him. He dropped the subject and we spend the rest of the afternoon in each other’s arms talking and laughing with Diamond and Cody and making fun at how the two should be together. When we said that both of them looked at us in horror and said we were crazy. The two hated each other, Diamond thought Cody was a druggie and Cody thought Diamond was a skank. Soon after the sun fell we all stood up to leave. I hugged Cody good-bye and turned towards Drew,

"Bye darling, I'll miss you!" I said while hugging him.

"Good Bye Ame, I'll miss you too"

We kissed good bye and we split up and went in two separate ways. On the way home with Diamond she was ranting about how much she hated Cody and how Drew and I made such a cute couple. After awhile I zoned out and concentrated on etching out every detail of Drew in my head and how I had almost slipped that I loved him but 2 weeks was way too soon for me to even admit to that or even feel it.

The Girl in the picture is Saphire

And the reason for the video being Summer Girl by Stereos is because it's the song me and my frist love chose to be our couple song. We picked it because it was the first song we actually agreed was good.

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