1: Am I Hearing This Right?!

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"3...2...1" I say, taking Caleb's hand in mine.

"I'm pregnant" I say with a small smile.

"I'm your brother"

Spencer's POV

"Did I hear you correctly? Did you seriously say what I think you just did?!" I drop Caleb's hand and look him dead in the eyes. This can't be true, it's some sort of sick joke.

"I'm your brother, and wait you're pregnant?" Caleb declares standing by his previous statement.

"Don't change the subject! How long have you known?" I scream at him, still trying to get my head around the fact we may be related.

"Hanna told me a few days before we broke up.." Caleb says before standing up from his desk chair. How does Hanna know?!

"How does Hanna know, and why does she?!" I ask, demanding an answer.

"She never said but I checked with our mum and she told me it's true" Caleb continues feeding me information. Wait did he just say 'our mum'?

"Our mum?" I ask, scared to know anymore.

"Your dad slept with our mum and then Veronica adopted you" Caleb continues as if what he was saying was a normal thing. I can't help it, but the tears begin to fall as I come to realisation that I've been lied to my whole life.

"I'll go get mum.." Caleb says softly while stroking my arm, before attempting the leave the room to find her.

"No Stop! Stop saying 'Our Mum'" I scream, gripping hold of his wrist preventing him from leaving the room. "She isn't my mum - she's yours!" I continue shouting, still holding onto his wrist. "My Mum is at home.. She's at home" and that's when I finally lose it.

I wipe away the tears which wont stop falling and run as fast as I can up to the room I've been staying in. He lied to me. She lied to me. My parents lied to me.

Chucking everything I own into a suitcase, I grab my coat and leave the room making my way back down to the ground floor.

"Where are you going?" Caleb asks me with a shocked tone as he emerges from his office. Just as I find the number belonging to the person I needed the most, I look up and stare directly into his eyes.

"I'm going to Toby's... I need time"

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