part 1 - kieztortchen

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Kieztortchen was my always my favourite place in Dortmund, I always loved going there, I say loved as if it was past tense. I wish it was, I wish one day I stopped going and wasn't hooked on the place, visiting daily before work, then on my lunch break; but then I saw him and maybe he was what hooked me to the place. I found myself going to the café, not for the amazing coffee and lunch I loved, but the boy with beautiful eyes and rosy cheeks; and then when he wasn't there I had a feeling of disappointment run through my body. But it never lasted long, as there were so many other things than the boy, who's name I was yet to learn that on my mind.

But, currently it's 1:45pm, making it my lunch break, as I enter the café, the blue eyed boy is already sat in his usual seat. As I walk over to the line to get my usual coffee and panini he walks over. The line moves quickly; but just before I get to the front, I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around to see it was the boy, obviously with him being behind me. I gave him a quick smile, to which he returned.

'I'm Erik, I see you in here nearly everyday I am, so I thought why not introduce myself. Do you maybe want to join me and eat together?'

He seemed nervous, just asking the simple question, which would make me feel bad if I turned him down, but I was so intrigued by 'Erik' that if I did turn him down, not knowing anything about me would bother me too much.

'Malia, of course I'll join you, it gets quite lonely sat on a ta-'

I was cut off by a sigh from the worker, realising, the two of us were holding up the line, I walked forward and placed my order, then after waited for Erik to place his. We both payed, and walked over to the table he was previously sat at. Our orders were both brought overs and we ate, talking about random things, work, favourite colours, tv shows, films, actors, football and everything else you could talk about.

When we finished our food, I checked my phone, realising my lunch break had ended twenty minutes ago, and I was late to getting back to work. Before I left to run back Erik and I exchanged numbers, before I finally ran back to work, preparing for a scolding from my boss.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2016 ⏰

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