I walked into the class room, "Jordan?" I looked over "Lebrone?" Lebrone was my best friend before he moved in the middle of last year. "Girl, I haven't seen you in forever! How are you!" He came and hugged me, "good, you?" He released me from his hug "My parents moved back, I was so happy" yes, Lebrone is gay... He sounds like it too but it's whatever. "Did you hear there's a new kid coming?" I shrugged, "probably someone who won't ever talk to me so, I don't really care." He smiled "your reactions are great" I nodded "I'm gonna go sit down" he went and sat down by Jamal, his boyfriend. Their so cute together! Lebrone thinks I should be a lesbian but, I like guys... What can I say? I sat down in an empty two seater desk, as the teacher walked in. She brought a student with her "We have a new student, his name is Cameron" Cameron?! My brothers friend Cameron?! The really hot one?! So many questions.... "Cameron, go sit down" he sat right next to me! "Your the only one I know so... I sat here" I smiled "Your good" he handed me his schedule "Can you show me these classes?" I looked it over.... Fuck! "We have every class together." He smiled and blushed... "So yea, I'll show you" he nodded "thanks" my phone vibrated my butt I had a text message :Gay Baby 👶🏼: Thought you said you would never talk to them....; I sighed -I'll talk to you about it later- I heard a small giggle "Gay baby?" I laughed a little "talking shit about gay babies?" He nodded "Is it Tyler?" I almost cried "no" the teacher cleared her throat.. "Something you wanna share?" Cameron rose his hand and she pointed at him "What's a gay baby?" I felt really bad, everyone looked at Lebrome and Jamal... Shit. I bet Jamal hates me now. "Cameron...." The teacher assigned him a detention... Right now I was gonna do anything I could to get closer to him "Fuck!" She wrote me one, after a call home. My parents were mad but they won't be home for like, another month.
Class went by really fast *riiiing*
"Next class, math" he followed me through the hall. Me and Cameron are in the same grade, Tyler is a senior, a grade above us. We passed Tyler in the halls, he stopped us "You know what I just realized.." I shrugged "you can Cameron would be cute" I widened my eyes "your my brother! Stop" I dropped the conversation and left... Are you fucking kidding? "Here we are" we sat next to each other "I don't have anything to look off of..." We shared an iPad the entire class, and we talked the entire class. "Homework tonight is only gonna be five story problems since this is a new thing" she started the lesson, it took the rest of the class. *riiing* "You know your problems! Make sure you do them!" Kids piled through the doors, "Move!!" We got pushed and shoved and squished. "We have gym next" at our school, boys and girls share a locker room, there's no dividing. He followed me into the gym room "you need to go get clothes" he walked up and for clothes and came back with some. I went to go unlock my locker, "there" I pulled out gym shorts, Cameron stood by me the whole time and we got dressed together. His butt looks GREAT in basketball shorts and his shirts shows off his perfect muscles. Girls can where what they want in our gym, so I just kept a tank top on and put my shirts on. It was a little weird wearing my tank top, my boobs hung out all over, freshmen year I was a 36B, junior year I'm a 36D. My butt looks okay in my shorts, my butt is big, but not huge. "You look good" I said thanks and we went to start our warm up. I watched Cameron do 20 perfect push ups. "Hot damn he's strong" I thought out loud. "What?" I looked down at him "uh nothing" he winked "sure, okay" I blushed "just... Hurry up" he did 10 more really quickly. "Your turn" I struggle at doing push ups... "Need help?" I was on my nineteenth. "Yea" he blushed, he grabbed my waist and pushed my butt down, "better position, now try" I did a couple more, "wow, thanks" I finsished quickly. "Hi, good job" the coach walked in, since there's something going on later, gym is cut 20 minutes shorter... So just hang out or something the next 15 minutes, i have test to grade" we all went into change. I took my tank top off and put my crop top back on, then put my shoes and pants on. I watched Cameron take his shirt off. I bit my lip, "Like what you see?" I scoffed "maybe" he winked at me, "you know you do" I blushed "I'm leaving the room" I walked out quickly. I turned around so my back was facing the locker room door, and pulled out my phone, Facebook. 'Surprise, she's in on their relationship' I rolled my eyes 'aw they broke up... Tragic' I felt cold hand on my waist "Cameron?" He spun me around "yes.. Uh question" I looked at my phone "Go ahead.." I was scrolling still, "can I walk you home today?" I nodded "of course, but it's only gonna be me because Alex is going to a friends house and Tyler has football practice, the work, and mom and Josh won't be back until next month." *riiiing*