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"I'm so nervous."
"Don't be."
Zayn took his husband into his arms and stroked his hair soothingly.Louis simply sighed.
"Do you think we should have taken the kids?"
"Lou you have to stop overthinking this."
Louis just leaned into Zayn's chest drawing with his finger the tattoos on his chest through the black tee shirt.
"Mr. And Mr. Malik?"
"That's us."- said Zayn as Louis disengaged himself from his warm body.
"Please follow me."- said the woman not even bothering to hear their reply as she turned away knowing that when parents are eager to adopt they don't even notice these things and are very impatient.
The woman ushered them through a large corridor and came to a stop in front of a large wooden door.
"He's in here you'll just have to go through some paperwork and then I guess you'll be good to go although I'm not an expert in the matter, I'm just a caretaker."
"Thank you"- said Zayn since his husband was too nervous to do more than fidget and bounce on his feet.
The couple clasped hands and stepped into the room.
Inside the office they saw a very serious looking woman and a small little boy looking half asleep whose face immediately brightened and became more alert when he saw the two familiar faces of Louis and Zayn.
"Mr. Louis! Mr. Zayn!"- cried the small toddler gleefully at the sight of his two future fathers (even though he didn't know it then).
"Liam!"- Louis cried with just as much enthusiasm laughing at the toddler's excitement as the latter hugged the life of his soon-to-be fathers.
"Hello little bugger."- Zayn said looking affectionately  at the little boy.
The woman sat at the desk coughed signaling that she wasn't too interested in this reunion and wanted to get it done and over with.
"Oh sorry..."- a slightly flustered Louis said sitting down on a chair opposite of the woman along with Zayn.
They went through all the legal arrangements with Liam sat on Zayn's lap throughout all of it.
A few minutes later, the woman at the desk whose name they'd found out was Evelyn crouched in front of Liam and said:
"Yesh mish Eveleyn?"
"Do you like these men?"
"Yesh mish Eveleyn, vewy mush."
"Would you like to go live with them?"- her demeanor had completely changed and she was speaking in a very soft voice.
"Well.... Ish I allowed to?"- he lisped curiously.
"You are, but you have to be a good boy okay?"
"Yesh mish Eveleyn. I pwomise to be a good boy, pwomise!"- Liam said holding out his small pinkie finger for the woman to intertwine with hers while his fathers cooed.
"Alright Liam, now that you've pledge allegiance to being good,- Zayn said playfully- are you ready to go home?"
Liam squealed and started to dance around the room mumbling incoherent words under his breath as the two men chuckled quietly at his antics.
When he'd finally worn himself out he plopped onto his padded bum and said:
"We go home now?"

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Hello to whoever reads this! This is a new story that I am very exited about, this is just the prologue but soon there will be Harry and Niall they won't participate in this chapter but they will on the next ones.
I don't know when I will update but I'll try once or twice a month?(maybe more) (maybe less)... Who knows?
Anyways, I hope you at least enjoy the story and I'm sorry this chapter isn't very long or very good, it will get better.

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