Poison pink lips

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"Those poison pink lips"

Were the only four words luka managed to quietly utter out as her eyes watched the soft pink lips of the girl that sits a row away from her. often finding herself muttering those words same words almost on a daily basis. the sun slowly dips past the pool of land, dim rays shine into the empty classroom and onto the glossy soft lips that belong to the girl in the odd steam punk goggles, the girl always seeming to maintain the same dull expression never speaking but instead remaining silent and rather lifeless, gliding her pen over the paper in front of her in soft never ending circular motions. As if she were in her own little world. Luka's eyes slowly break away from the lips of glossy pink perfection and down the silken black waterfall of 11 foot long hair that pools on the floor behind the chair of the girl that seemed to be the gods finest creation. Luka's mind began wondering aimlessly as her eyes travel the ruff terrain of a body belonging to the female across from her. A small frustrated sigh parts luka's lips as a single fang bites gnaws at her lower lip before a loud bell shatters her thoughts. The school day is over. Wasted without a single word to the perfect woman she so eagerly wants to hold, but to no avail, life goes on and the heart piercing silence keeps them apart

{don't let your nervous silence keep you apart}

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