You were running through the woods from those 3 people that kidnapped you from GhettoWood High. You were almost about to escape those woods when suddenly you tripped on a tree branch and hit your head on a rock. Thankfully your weave protected you from the impact but what made you passout was that you saw dirt on your $180 weave. The next thing you know is that you wake up and you are surrounded by 6 boys. What will happen next? Will your weave get washed? Will the boys say you a ghetto ratchet bitch?
Ray Ray will call you the last word I said
Roc will flirt ;)
You take out yo weave you only had to wear tht shit for a presentation in Horse Hair 101 (you got long hair)
Yo ass is beautiful , pretty , cute , yea gon learn today >.< ....actually in the next chapter
Was it funny? did it make you laugh? Should I change some stuff? please let me know