August the 16th

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hey! so, this is a short story i wrote for english, thought i'd put it up here and see what you guys think :) if its not edited well, dont judge, and if you dont like the ending, i understand, because my english teacher said it had to finish on a 'cliffhanger'. if you dont understand the end comment and i'll tell you what ACTUALLY happens!

love and peace <3

August the 16th


I could feel the roof closing in on me, and my knees buckled. I was laying on something bumpy, possibly a shoe. How did I even get here?

Four hours earlier…

Nobody understands me. Yeah, I guess it was wrong to bring alcohol to school, but really? Whose education is it affecting, other than mine? And, to put it blunt I don’t give stuff about education at all. I stifle another yawn. The principal’s lecture had me knocking them off every couple of minutes, and it bugged him too. I am ready to leave, yet dumb regulation says I can’t, not til a parent comes. So that means I’ll be waiting forever, for her. She’s probably at another AA meeting, or down the pokies. The big door slowly swings open, and I gradually look up. Thank god, it’s Piper. She nervously tucks her brown bob cut hair behind her ears, and I can see her peer into the principal’s office. She bites her lip, and then spies me slouched on the plastic chair. She scurries over, concern in her eyes. “August!” she yelps                                                              

“Shh.” prompts the administrator at the desk in the corner.

“August!” she yelps a tiny decibel quieter. “I literally cannot believe you!”

I toss my bright red hair and sigh.

“It’s not a crime to want to have fun.” I coolly explain.

“No, but it’s a crime to bring alcohol to school!!” she exclaims

“Shh!!” the administrator reminds us again.

“First the truanting, then the smoking, now drugs, alcohol, not to mention stealing cars!! Where does it end August? What if you get killed?” she’s starting to yell.

“You forgot egging houses and lighting bins on fire,” I chuckle.

“This is not the point!” she growls

“SHHHH!” the administrator violently whispers in a low voice.

“The point is, August, you are throwing your life away! Don’t you care anymore? You could be somebody, do something with your life, instead you’re wasting it away!” Piper’s normally pale face has gone an odd shade of red, and it suddenly hits me. Why does she care? And who the hell does she think she is, telling me what to do?

I explode.

“Stop!” I yell furiously, “what makes you think you have a right to control me? You’re not my mother, my sister or my friend!! Do you know why your dad left you? Cos you’re a disgrace! You’re an embarrassment to everyone!” I breathe in deeply, happy with my outburst.

Piper’s face goes from red, back to pale again, and then her eyes water. Slowly, one little tears dribbles down her face. She doesn’t yell, or scream, but instead just stares at me, crying. This enrages me more. Why isn’t she saying anything?

“You know what?” I say “Screw this. You pathetic cow!” I exclaim, aimed at Piper, the administrator and the principals closed door.

I grab my bag, and storm out. I make sure the door slams behind me. I don’t know why I’m so angry. I grab a flyer advertising a youth camp on the wall and tear it up. I pull my phone out of my pocket, and send a quick text to my boyfriend, Chris.

“Meet u out da front xox A” I type.

I kill time by taking a drag of a cigarette, along with a sip of vodka. A smirk crosses my face.  They weren’t going to find all the booze. I hear a loud clang, and gaze up. Chris’ old Holden pulls in, and I can’t help but smile. He is soooo totally hot, with shaggy blond hair that always looks unwashed, his pants falling down, even with the aid of a playboy bunny belt I gave him. He looks up, although I can’t see his eyes, hidden under his large mop of hair.

“Hey babe!” I say enthusiastically

“Hey.” He says back. Chris, however devilishly sexy, is a man of few words.

“Take me to a party. I need to get drunk. “

Right now, booze is the only thing I know will keep me happy, which is good as Chris nods his head. I check my phone, and the time reads 5:19.  I look over at Chris. He stares dully at the road.

“Babe, have you got any dope?” I ask sweetly.

He gestures to the back seat, and I lean over and pull over a clear plastic package. I light up, and soon the whole car fills up with misty smoke.

“Where is this party?” I ask suspiciously.

“Grovetown.” Chris answers flatly.

Grovetown? Grovetown is notorious for gangs, and even though I’m tough as old boots, I’d never even pondered the prospect of stepping foot in Grovetown. I take another large gulp of vodka, hoping my fears will die away. I’m shivering now, and I regret wearing a singlet to school. We pull up in the driveway of a granny flat, all of which seem to be occupied by the party. I step out of the car, and walk straight into the house. There is loud banging music, eskie’s filled with ice and beer, and drugs laid out on a coffee table. I walk into the lounge room, where the dancing seems to be happening. I waltz on in, and start moving to the beat. It doesn’t take me long to realise I’m one of the very few girls at this party, and, feeling self-conscious, I head to the kitchen to get a drink. I walk to an esky and pull out a beer. I find an empty cup and pour my beer in. i also add the remaining vodka from my bag and a few other dregs I see lying around. I take a sip, and although it tastes foul, I keep drinking. I head back out to the lounge room to find Chris. I look everywhere, and I can’t seem to find him. I decide to wait by the car, and when I walk out to the driveway, Chris’ car is gone.


I panic. Why would he leave me? For a split second I think maybe he has re-parked his car, but no. I have a sinking feeling as I realise he has left me here. I lift up my phone, to call for a cab or something, and it says ‘one missed call’. The number below is Pipers. This frustrates me, what makes her think that she can keep controlling me. I ignore the message and I stomp back into the party, trying to forget the fact that I am stranded here.

The party has kicked up a notch, with the ceiling filled with smoke, and the coffee table crowded with druggies. I try to join in with the fun, bouncing around, looking like I’m having fun, but I’m not. Guilt is eating me up inside. I walk outside, where im able to hear myself think. I pull out my phone and listen to the discarded message. I can hear piper talking, choked up with tears.

“August? August, it’s Piper. I, I was calling to make sure you’re ok. I hope that, um, you are. Your Mum is really worried. Maybe you should call her? Um, I have to go August, please call, I’m sorry. I love you August.“

And with that the message is over. I snort. Fine, I’ll let her grovel her heart out tomorrow. She always does this, thinks she knows best, then realises I’m right and calls to plead for forgiveness. ‘Oh well,’ I debated with myself ‘todays problems should be dealt with tomorrow.’  I slide my cell back in pocket. What harm will one more drink do? It’s not like it’ll kill me.



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2011 ⏰

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