You: Phil sitting in his History class, being bored as always he rather looked out of the window instead of actually listening to his teacher. Thinking and dreaming seemed a lot more interesting to him anyway. However, he suddenly was ripped out of his thoughts by his phone quietly vibrating in his pocket , signaling the income of a new message.
“You should maybe pay more attention to the teacher than to looking out of the window beautiful. xx ~Your secret admirer”
Stranger: Dan sat in the back of the room, staring over at Phil. He had loved Phil for the longest time, and he didn't want to hid it any longer. Rather than being a human about it and telling someone, he just decided to go the creepy route. He blocked his number and texted Phil, watching him as he gracefully took out his phone and read it.
You: Phil looked around the room, not seeing anyone's phone out. He guessed it was a joke, or a prank. This doesn't happen in real life does it? 'Is this a joke? Who are you?' He texted back, knowing the person wouldn't tell him but he still needed to ask.
Stranger: Dan peeked under his desk at his phone and let out a small chuckle. Phil was cute in all the right ways. Dan had mastered texting without looking, so Phil would never see him replying.
'No a joke and this wouldn't a secret if I told you, now would it?'
You: 'I know but stuff like this doesn't happen to me normally'. He sent, making sure to look up at the teacher so he doesn't take his phone away.
Stranger: 'Nervous? Just move that book to the right and he won't notice your phone.' Dan texted back, moving his eye back and forth between Phil and the teacher.
You: Phil moved the book, this kid knew what he was doing. 'Thanks, i cant get my phone taken away again'. He sent.
Stranger: 'It's happened before? You're too cute and innocent, Phil.' Dan smiled to himself and started taking down a few class notes.
You: Phil had to bite his lip not to giggle or turn red. 'Yeah, well sometimes lessons are too boring not to'.
Stranger: 'I can see that. I'm guessing you aren't ready for the test tomorrow, are you?'
You: 'who are you my mom? But no, I'm not ready. I'm gonna cram the information in tonight' He sent
Stranger: 'I'm pretty sure if I were your mom, what I do at night while thinking about you would be a littttle creepy.' Dan debated actually sending it, but just went with it anyway.
You: 'Whoa, too much information. What happened to be being innocent?' He sent with a grin.
Stranger: 'I said you were innocent. I didn't say I was.' Dan sent, smiling at Phil's reaction.
You: 'yeah, keep me innocent. Now tell me, do i know you? Or have I ever talked to you?' He asked.
Stranger: 'Yes. We have exchanged words here and there.' Dan answered.
You: 'What do you look like?' He asked, wondering what he could get from this person. He wanted to know who it was.
Stranger: 'I look like your run of the mill guy.' Dan wasn't giving in.
You: 'That doesn't help me, I want to know who you are. Are you scared to talk to me in person or something?' He sent, leaning back in his chair.
Stranger: 'No, I'll talk to you in person. I just wanted to act cutsie around you without you thinking I'm weird for liking you so much." Dan answered.