One Night ( Larry Stylinson)

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AUTHOR'S NOTE:Okay so I just had to write this who doesn't love Marcel !? This is a Larry fan fic so I'm sorry if I offend anyone it wasn't my intention. I'm wasn't much of a writer in school so let's see how this goes. Let me know how you like it!

-Madison x.

Harry's P.O.V

RING RING I slowly opened my eyes to turn my alarm off and I'm not gonna lie marimba is such an annoying ring tone. After I turned my alarm off I put on my glasses, got up and brushed my teeth. I gelled my hair up like usual, got dressed. "Good morning hazzabear" my mom greeted me as I got breakfast. "Today I have a meeting with Jay discussing our babysitting buisness, so you have to come with me after school she has a son about your age so you can socialize a bit" "Mom I just got a new John Green book and kinda wanted to start reading it" I don't get why she always tries making friends for me sure I don't have any really, but at least I'm acedemicly active. I guess I'll just say a quick hello to Jay's son and go my way. "Ok mom I will" I finally replied. Well this should be an interesting day.

Sorry if it sucked I'm new at this. Lol

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