Chapter 7: Unexpected Guest

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"W-hat the hell?!?!!" I screamed. My abusive and ignorant father stepped inside of my apartment.

"Good thing my brother and his wife isn't here right now.." He placed a smirk on his face.

"Get outta my apartment!!!!!!" I yelled at him; scared and worried outta my mind.

"I don't think that's possible." He comes up to me and starts hitting me.

I cry out, "ATSUSHI-KUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Atsushi-kun's POV

"ATSUSHI-KUN!!!!!!" I know the yell, it was Mae-chin!! I ran up to her apartment and saw an unfamiliar car in her driveway. Both her aunt Maya and Uncle Ryo were working today, so they weren't home. I ran inside the house and there was blood on the kitchen floor.

"Mae-chin!! It's me, where are you!?!?" I yelled. I heard a scream and it was coming from her room. I ran up to it and I turned the knob. It's was locked.

"Atsushi-kun!!!! Help me!!!!" She kept screaming and crying and I knew I had to get her outta there.

"I'm coming!! I promise I'm going to get you outta there!!" I slammed my body on the door, causing it to crack and break then after a couple blows, the door finally falls and I see her father choking her against the wall and bruises and red marks all over her arms, legs, and face. "YOU!!" I became instantly angry and pissed off.

"H-elp m-me.." Mae-chin yelps for air.

I ran over to her and this abusive father and got him away from her. Mae-chin ran outta the room and I started beating this guy.

"You think you can come and hurt her?!?!!?! I'm going to hurt you so badly that your gonna wish you weren't even born!!!!" I pinned him down and began punching him in the face and his stomach, but after a few he flipped us over.

"Same to you, buddy!!" He began punching me and hurting me, so I bucked my hips making his chest go over me, and I punched him straight in the lungs. He coughed up some blood and was on all 4s.

"Dont ever talk to her, see her, anything!!!!!" With that last remark, I kicked him in the throat and punched him in the stomach once more, making him unconscious or even dead. Then my girlfriend walked into the room with dried up tears all over her face. It was red, bruised, bloody... She ran to me and cried in my shirt. I held her close and cried with her.

"I'm so happy your not dead!!!!!" She screamed.

"Mae-chin, its my job to take care of you...I'm your protector.." I kissed her forehead and I helped her get cleaned up. It was 330 so we left the apartment getting to the school soon enough to the point she wasn't in trouble. Mae-chin walked over to her squad and I walked up to her coach to explain what had happened. She completely understood the situation and still had Mae-chin play her normal routine which made both of us proud. I walked over to her and I kissed her sweet lips. "Please be careful in this game ok?" She nodded.

"Anything for you, Atsushi-kun." She smiled and I smiled back. I ran up to the bleachers and sat by some strangers.

Mae-chin's POV

"Lets go team!! We can do this, everyone at the regular positions and we'll get started!!" We all got into our spots and the game had started. After countless hits and bumps, Rakuzan scored. My vision turned blurry and unimaginable. I was teary-eyed and I couldn't see much at all, and because of that, a spike hit me in the face.

"Mae-chan!!!!!" I heard Sakura-san holler. I fell back and landed on my butt, but I was ok. I stood back up. "Are you ok?!"

I nodded. "I'm fine, let's just get them fuckers back!!" I winked at her and got into serious mode.

"Mae-chan!!" I look over at Sakura-san and she was setting it for me. After her finger tips lightly tapped the ball for me, I jumped high and spiked it down on the floor in front of the surprised Rakuzan players.

"Hell yes!!" I high-fived Sakura-san. "That was great!" That ended the first half, 23-18. As the rest of my team went to coach, I walked over to Atsushi-kun since he was already coming over.

"I'm so glad that your ok, that hit in your face got me really scared for a moment." I laughed softly.

"Oh Atsushi-kun.... Your so cute." He bent down and kissed my forehead.

"As long as your ok, Mae-chin because I don't plan on seeing you hurt again. It tore me apart and got me instantly pissed off." I just smiled at my silly boyfriend.

"I know, I know. But hey, I'm ok ain't I?" He sighed.

"Yes, but remember to always be careful no matter what. And plus, this Saturday I have a surprise for you."

"Ok." We both smiled and he kissed me gently before going back on the bleachers.

TIME SKIP!! End of Game

"Aaaaand the winner is Yosen!! 52-40!!" Almost the whole crowd cheered in our win. It was amazing that were in the lead this season with only 10 wins and 2 losses, not bad for a volleyball team!!

"Sakura-san!! This is amazing!! If we win our next game, we get to face Seirin again!!" My best friend and I cheered over the excitement among the crowd and team.

"I'm really excited!! Oh my gosh, next Friday needs to come now!!!!!!" We only have a week to warm-up for out final game before the tournament, which I think is more than enough time.


"So how was the game?" My uncle Ryo asked me.

"It was difficult, but we made the win. We beat Razuken by 52-40."

"That's amazing, one more game to win then Seirin right?" My uncle was half right.

"Well, a part of it." I laughed. "We face Seirin and if we beat them, it's tournament time!!"

"What do you mean 'if'?" My aunt Maya came in.

"Fine, we face Seirin and WHEN we beat them, it's tournament time!!"

"There we go!!!" She said happily. "For a reward, PIZZA!!!!!"


Chapter 8, coming your way!!!!!!!

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