Bisexual (I'm not)

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Okay guys I have a confession to make. I used to be bisexual.

For those of you who are bisexual and try say "you can't be bisexual then not be! Thats not how it works!" And all that.

Well I don't want to be bisexual. I'm not ashamed but I like boys and I don't like girls.

It's just in grade 7 my friend told me she liked me and wanted to date, and it was my first time so I was like "I don't know about this" but I ended up dating her anyway.

Then she tried to kiss me and I just didn't feel comfortable with that.

After we broke up I don't know. It's just not much boys wanna date me, so I thought girls would wanna date me more, so I started dating girls. Asking girls out and yeah.

I still never kissed a girl (or guy) and don't plan on kissing a girl.

I want my first kiss to be a guy, someone who likes me for me, and I like him for him. He has to be 'the one' or whatever haha!

Tbh I've dated about 3 girls. Since grade 7. I'm going to try stop though, and stick to boys. I just really like dating, idek ok?!

I just want someone to like me for me. And that seems to only happen to girls. But I think someday I'll find the right guy. So I'm only dating guys for now.

Anyways thank u for reading. I'm glad I'm putting this out there even tho u guys don't know me. Vote and comment if u ever had the same feelings.

Thanks guys. :) (PS I'm not against bisexuality or lesbian or gay at all! Love is love. <3)

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