I'm sorry

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*she get up*

"I should start making breakfast." Austen said

"He looks so peaceful I don't want to wake him up." Austen said



"I should go to the market he'll be fine he's got weapon on him." Austen said

* knock knock

*He wakes up and he has is pistol and walks to the door and opens it*

"Whose at the door?" Ryan ask
"Who are you?" Ryan ask

* he walks in

"So where is Austen?" He ask

*He shows him his pistol it's right fucking here.*

"What the hell." He said

"Now are you going to tell me who you or do have I have to shoot a bitch?" Ryan ask

"Ryan what are you doing?" Austen ask

He shakes his head"what?" Ryan ask

"Calm down." Austen said

"Ok I'm sorry." Ryan said

"It's ok." Austen said

*He puts his gun away*

"Its okay it was my fault." Austen said

"Ok." Ryan said

*she hugs you

*he hugs her

Whispers *I care for you" Austen said

"You do?"Ryan ask

"Yeah of course I do." Austen said

"Ok." Ryan said

"Do you care about me?" Austen ask

"Yes I do." Ryan said

"Thank you." Austen said

"Your welcome." Ryan said



* she kisses his cheek

*He blushes

* smiles

* smiles*

"Come on let's go out." Austen said

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