Chapter 1

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Raph ran, his heart beating fast, he was panicking. He was in the sewers, it was late at night. Leo was probably waiting for him to lecture him about how he and Casey don't need to be out so late. He was just heading back to the lair until he stumbled upon

"Ahh!" Raph screamed in distress, he needed to get home now. They wereeverywhere.

Raph turned a corner, he sped up, his feet hitting the wet pavements of the underground sewers. Raphs heart pounded harder when he saw the entrance to the lair.


Leo was pacing back and forth ready to lecture Raph. Donnie was up late, says he is working in a new project. Mikey is also up late, playing video games, trying to beat Raph's high score. Only Master splinter went to bed early.

Leo looked up at the sound of doors bursting open. Mikey paused his game to see Raph running inside looking like he saw a ghost. Leo immediately ran to his side. Raph had tears down his face, he couldn't stop shaking. Raph grabbed a hold of Leo, basically pouncing on him. They both toppled over to the ground with Raph on top. Raph hid his face into Leo's neck, hands grabbed onto Leo for dear life. Leo was startled. He never saw Raph like this since they were kids. Something must have happen to him. Leo sat up, holding Raph as he was trying to calm his breathing.

"Raph? What happen?" Leo said trying to relax his hot headed brother. Raph didn't speak, he wouldn't speak. Leo looked at Mikey, who was looking horrified that their stubborn brother was crying.

"Raphie what happen?" Mikey tried to call him out of it. Raph just shook more.

"Mikey go get Donnie, hurry" Leo said in all seriousness.

Mikey looked even more horrified as he ran to Donnie. Leo looked down onto Raph's body. Raph face still buried into his neck, Leo tried to pull him away so he could see him. Raph just tighten his grip. His breathing becoming more labored.

"Raph, what happen, talk to me, please" Leo begged, he was getting mad, if it was a living being that made his brother stress, he would personally visit it.

Donnie ran to his side and took one look at Raph.

"He is having a panic attack, put him in my lab" Donnie said while petting Raph's big muscular arm. Leo and Mikey nodded. Mikey and Donnie then tried to pull Raph away from Leo, but then Raph made a sound of protest almost like a whine, it was high pitched, Mikey thought it sounded cute.

"Aww for a big bad turtle you sure sound cute when crying" Mikey said in awe.

Leo gave him a glare. Mikey made a cheeky grin.

"Raph you have to get up" Leo cooed.

Raph just dug his head deeper and keened.

Leo looked up at Donnie, Don just shrugged not sure how to react. Their brother left the lair angry, mostly because a fight with Leo. Now, he is back, but crying, shaking, breathing hard, what else should he react, he was scared himself.

Leo then took his leader mode, he lifted Raph up, with Raph still hiding his face to the world around him. They all went up to the lab, Raph was getting worse, he sounded like he was choking. They tried to lay Raph on the table, but he wouldn't just let go. So forcefully and sadly, they ripped him off of Leo.

Raph curled into himself. Not sure why he even bothered. He hated the way he was shaking, the way he could hear himself whine. He hated the way his brothers stared at him in petty. He hated even more that Donnie is coming near him with aneedle.

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