Golden Flowers

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Asriel was falling. He could feel the darkness speeding past him, how long had he been here now? It felt like hours. Then all of a sudden, he stopped. He opened his eyes and saw the small dot of light where he fell from and then noticed the golden flowers below him he was lying upon. He felt his chest with his tiny, 8-year old hand, and almost cried out in joy when he felt his heart beat. He got up and looked around, unsure where he was. He called out:
"U-uh, hello, is anyone there...?" He called out louder,
"P-please help me! I've fallen down and I don't know where I am!"
His call was answered.
"Come over here! Through the passage way!" He heard a voice call out, weird... It sounded kind of familiar...
The blonde child then looked over to where the voice came from, and say the tunnel. He ran as fast as he could over to where the voice came from, maybe they could help him!
He then found himself in a room with light coming down in the middle where more flowers were, green grass covered in darkness around it. In the centre was a child the same height as him with their head bowed down. They had pale green skin and what seemed like yellow petals for hair. While he could not see their eyes they could see the permanent smile glued onto their face and their pink cheeks. He also noticed vines coming from the ground into their back.
The child's head moved upward to meet Asriel's face. He could now see the two glowing red eyes staring into his green ones.
"Howdy! I'm Chara, Chara the Flower!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2016 ⏰

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