Chapter One.

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Saturday nights at the home of Harry Potter tendered to run hectic, with three children and a large extended family, the large stone manor often housed more than Albus, James and Lily. After the destruction of the war both Harry and Ron had gone on to complete their auror training while Hermione returned to the newly re-built Hogwarts to re-sit her N.E.W.T.s, Minerva McGonagall had claimed her rightful position of Headmistress and the school had been run with no problems for over a decade now. Being Head Auror came with a list of requirements both socially and mentally and Harry often found his weekends taken up by official dinners and meetings, however this Saturday in particular had been planned for a while. Harry and Ginny along with both Ron and Hermione were intended to travel to Malfoy Manor for a get together with the two Malfoy's- Astoria and Draco.

The eldest of the cousins Teddy Lupin and Victorie Weasley were in charge of babysitting the large number of Potter and Weasley children - the adults knowing full well there would be serious consequences if there was no supervision. The fire in the front sitting room was licking up the fresh logs Teddy had just placed in the grate, the heat blowing rapidly into the room. The room was large with high ceilings and panelled walls, the cream paint matched a beautiful set of three settees positioned gracefully in front of the fire- a round wooden coffee table filling the space in between. Large arched windows adorned in handmade curtains sat flush against the right wall letting in the last streams of sunlight of the day, a collage of pink and blues littered the skyline, through the massive windows. On the far end of the room a large bookcase dominated the wall each book sorted alphabetically, the dark mahogany wood contrasted spectacularly with the light cream of the walls. Four comfortably looking cream loveseats sat in a circle around another circle coffee table in front of the bookcase,  a large cream rug ran half way of the room which would magically fluff itself out every few hours.

The adults of the house were due to leave soon and Ginny Potter was heard rushing around above the sitting room loudly.  

"Ooooh Harry I swear on Merlin I put the green dress in the wardrobe!" Loud heels were heard pacing back and fourth violently  on the hard wooden floors of the master suit. The pacing continued on for a while before it relocated to the main grand stairs in the entrance hall. The door to the living room swung open suddenly and the loud noises of children chatting reduced quickly. Hermione and Ron stepped through the door, half a glass of white wine held in each of their hands.

"Right kids the cars have arrived we're just waiting on your Aunt Gin she's taking longer than we anticipated" Hermione laughed before placing her glass on one of the large side boards.

"You shouldn't anticipate it, you should know by now that mum takes a millennium to get ready for anything?" James exclaimed loudly from one of the cream loveseats.

"Pff she might as well start getting ready at twelve- give herself seven hours- even then she'd still be storming about looking for things." Albus giggled quietly with James while Hermione ran through the rules with Teddy and Victorie. Soon Harry joined them and shrugged his long coat on as he passed through the door, Hermione and Rob soon followed suit and summoned two coats from the cloakroom.

"Alright I think we're nearly set, Scorpious should be here soon, I suspect he'll floo here using the dining room fireplace you might wanna go look out for him Albus." Harry moved out the way as Albus nodded and darted past his father through the door and in the direction of the dining room.

"James, Estella, Fred I don't want to come back to the house burning down this time please. Teddy your in charge of them, do not take your eyes off them and I mean it."

Before James could open his mouth to protest to his fathers claims his mother walked through the door, coat in hand. "Your fathers right James we do not want the house burnt to rubble again, I strongly suggest you stay here in this room with your cousins tonight, I'll get Lola to bring some board games through that should keep you occupied. And for the love of god no magic please and Fred, Roxanne I don't want to come home and have to let your father know you were a participant in the mayhem" Ginny looked away but  James, Roxanne and Fred scowled before nodding silently.

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