Naylor #1

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This is Nate x Taylor


Nate: hoe

Taylor: what do u need?

Nate: rude

Taylor: daddy...

Nate: good boy

Nate: anyways i am hard

Taylor: fix it...

Nate: why are u being this rude... You know this means punishment Taylor Maloley

Taylor: go spank one of those bitches from your videoclips

Nate: it's that y u are mad? Bruh😂

Nate: babe... I am gay asf, all my fans do know, my producers and those girls

Taylor: so u do really love me?

Nate: a lot more than u think babyboy😌😘

Taylor: lysm😭❤️

Nate: ilysfmm babe❤️❤️❤️❤️😍😘


It is short asf butttttttt itttt isssss myyyyy sidehoee Caniff✌️

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