The unforgiving law...

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Coil sighed in relief. He had won. But... It wasn't over... Because out of nowhere, Swift jumped out of the bushes in tremendous speed and pinned Coil to the ground.

"Agh! Luna! Help me!" He said.

Luna went to stop her but she was knocked back by Swift.

"I found you! Now what were you doing fighting 3 of the most wanted people in the universe?!" She said with an aggressive tone.

Coil was just about to speak until she interrupted him.

"Silence! It seems that we could use your powers to stop them... But... That must be decided in the hall of the jury! You will be taken to court to answer some questions. If you're guilty we will execute you right where you stand! Are you clear with this!?" She said.

Coil nodded in fear. Swift looked at Luna.

"You! You are a witness to all this. You will come with us!" She said.

Then, she put two fingers on his neck and pressed then causing Coil to faint...

Coil woke up in a room. It was completely dark and he was right in the middle. He tried to move but he was laying of the floor with his legs and hands trapped. Then, the room lit up. There was a crowd of people sitting on a few wooden chairs. Luna was one of the people in the crowd. Coil turned around to find Swift blocking the exit out of this court room. Then... The whole roof lit up and right above everyone, stood 5 strange people wearing black robes expect for one which was wearing a white robe.

"The trial will now begin" said the man in the white robe in a loud and booming voice.

Then one of the other people dressed in a black robe spoke.

"Coil! You stand accused of possessing a demonic evil inside your soul. However, if you are found not guilty, we will use you as a weapon to catch the most wanted criminals in the galaxy. Alright! The person that will be defending you on this case is Thomas!" Said the strange person with a female voice.

Coil looked at Tom.

"Brother!? You are a lawyer!?!" He said sounding surprised.

"Yep. And I promise you that when this trial is done, you will be a free man!" He said.

"The person that will be going against you will be none other then Swift!" Said a different person in the strange robes.

Swift moved towards him.

"Your honour... I will do whatever it takes to bring him to justice!" She said.

"The trial will now begin!" Said the man in the white robes also known as the leader.

"First! We will hear what The witness will have to say. Luna! Do you swear to say the truth and nothing but the truth?!" Said the leader.

"I swear!" She said.

"Ok, me and Coil woke up one morni..." she said.

Coil wasn't listening. He was terrified. He was just thinking to himself...

"And then Coil was trying to protect us. So he fought a man call-" said Luna before being interrupted.

"Objection! Is it true that not only do you love Coil, but you also helped him break free from prison!?" She said.

Luna's face went pale and white.

"Y-yes... It's true..." She said nervously.

"Your honour, let this be known that Luna loves Coil to the point that she will do anything for him. Such as LIE TO THE ENTIRE COURT HOUSE!!!" She said.

Everyone gasped in shock. Luna started to get worried.

"N-no! I promise I'm not Telling lies!" She said.

"Objection! Let us hear what Coil has to say. He has all the right to say his side of the story" said Tom.

"Coil! Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth!?" Said the leader.

Coil didn't say anything for a while until...

".....Yes..." He said.

"Coil. Tell us your story" said Tom.

Coil thought for a moment. Will he be found guilty? Or innocent?

A depressing future. Luna and Coil's legacy. Part 2 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now