Chapter One : What's new

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          I lay on the couch snacking on potato chips when I hear the door creak. I fling the chips aside when it opens a crack. I grab the nearest weapon to protect myself. I scan my memory hoping someone else was home besides my dog Oakley and I. Nothing. I am all alone. I can't help myself to think, I don't wanna die at 15!!  I shuffle around the coffee table trying not to snap any chips on the floor. I grab a thick dictionary and weald it like a sword. I look at the year old German Shepard licking at a chip on the floor. The door opens a little farther letting the late evening light seep in. A bead of sweat trickles down my forehead. I hold my breath as it slowly opens all the way. I flop to the ground on my stomach and army crawl behind the door out of view. The door opens hitting me in nose. I cover it with one hand and jump in front of the person. The light only frames the, so I can't see their features. He lunges forward and wraps me in a quick hug.
"I'm home!" He says brightly as I realize it's my dad.
"Dad!" I complain playfully as Oakley trots up to him giving him a slobbery hello. I let out a sigh of relief.
"You almost gave me a heart attack!" I say matter of factly jabbing a finger into his chest. He laughs as he peers around setting his black leather brief case on the floor.
"Where's your mom?" He asks absently as he walks in undoing his tie.
"Shopping," I say simply with a wave of my hand.
"How was your Thursday dad?" I ask sweetly.
"Fine, yours?"
"Good." He lowers himself into a chair at the round kitchen table. He peers around and spots half a bag worth of potato chips on the floor.
"Can you clean that up Holly? I am gonna go wash up for dinner." He says obviously making an excuse not to do it himself. I slump away from the doorway and lay on the floor as my puppy snuggles in next to me. I pick up the cleanest chips and munch in them which cleans about 1/2 of the mess. Oakley gladly eats the rest. Licking every crumb up. Mom walks in her arms full of groceries.
"Hi mom, dad is 'getting ready for dinner'." I say teasingly. She chuckles softly. I pick up the half empty bag of chips and open the pantry.
"Holly go get a shower and pjs on I am making soup so it might take a while." My mom says softly rolling up her cream sweater sleeved shirt and dusts off her hands on her jeans.
"Go!" She says shooing me away as she drys her clean hands in a towel. I nod and wake my way up the carpeted stairs. I pass my dad as I get to my room. I nod to him as he walks down the stairs. I hear them talking in hushed voices. I don't dare to intrude. Last time I did they said we were gonna give Oakley away for they heard me coming. I chuckle slightly at the memory. I shuffle around in my pj drawer and grab a pair of silk plain white pj bottoms that reach past my ankles and a pink shirt that is covered in the letter 'Z'. Along with some underwear. I sling them over my shoulder as I grab a towel.

I slip on my pjs over my still damp body. I brush my wet red hair and dry it a tad with the blow dryer just so the water doesn't seep through to my back. I ruffle my hair up and slip on some bunny slippers you always see in cartoons. I warp a volleyball blanket around my shoulders and stumble down the stairs.

I swing my blanket over the side of the couch and take my seat at the table. I try to place my covered feet on the cool hardwood floor but Oakley lays under them his puppy dog eyes taking effect. I sigh as my places a simple soup and grilled cheese meal in front of me. Garnished with some broccoli. I pick up my spoon and slurp the soup. Mmm tomato soup. I take a big bite of the soft cheesy sandwich and slip a little into the soup. I take a bite and dip the remains of the grilled cheese into it. I place part of it by my feet resting on top of the dog. He laps it up and softly munches. My dad comes down the stairs with his sweats and a T-shirt on.
"Pjs already Michel?" My mom asks sweetly accusing hum of his wardrobe. He nods.
"No Lea, they are lounge wear." He says wagging a finger at her. I snicker as my dad and mom take a seat.
"What's new?" I say feeling like there is a need for a conversation starter. My dads face turns to glum and my mom looks at me apologetically.
"What!?" I demand my insides churning like waves on the ocean.
"Well," my dad starts. Then he gazes at my mom with pleading eyes. I see him glance nervously at me.
"I wanna be straight forward with you since you are almost 16 as of tomorrow morning." I roll my eyes and see he is obviously stalling.
"Go on..." I say shaking my fork at him hoping I won't regret it later.
"I will tell you tomorrow," he says with a breath of relief. I roll my eyes once more as I put the last piece of  steamed broccoli into my mouth.
"Good meal mom," I say blandly as I head to my room the waves still not settled in my stomach.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2016 ⏰

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