i wish.

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I wish I could hold you.

I wish I could hold you and make it all better. I wish you would tell me what's wrong. I wish you would let me help you. But I know pep talks and fake kisses only go so far. I need you with me. I need to be there tor you. I know I can't fight your battles for you but, I wish I could hold your hand and assure you it will be alright right. I know you have a bad past. That doesn't make you any happier today. All I can hope is that together we can make the best future for us. You're so beautiful. I just, I have no words. I can't wait until the day I can finally look into your lovely eyes and, just melt into your strong arms. I would wait forever for you. I will wait as long as I have to. Because, a minute with you is far more cherished than one lifetime alone. I love you forever and ever. Please don't leave me never.

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