You were the one

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You were the one.

I trusted you. I thought we were forever and ever. But I got scared of forever. So, I said goodbye. Only to discover you were a complete lie! My heart has never hurt so bad. You just, you hurt me. That's all I can say. We had plans for happiness. You made me happy. How dare you hurt me?! You promised it was real. Now I can't bear to see you. I can't hear your name. I don't want to talk to you this whole thing is just a big shame. I'm so fucking sorry, that I cared about you. That I gave two shits when no one else did. I'm sorry, that I loved you with all of my heart. I'm sorry, that I cared more than you. In the end you aren't worth the tears. I can't stand the fact that you let me fall so hard only to let me hit the ground and shatter into a million pieces. I'm through with you and, all the crazy shit you do. So, have fun with life. All by yourself. You like it that way though don't you? By yourself. Well have fun with that because; if you keep treating people wrong that's all you'll be. Alone!!

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