Chapter 2

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The next morning I woke up to see the sky above my head, I had fallen asleep watching the sunset again. I sat up, I was still in my wolf form. I stretched and started to walk home. A few minutes later my house came into view. I shifted and walked to the front door. I opened it and walked inside to see Amanda awake and sitting on the couch. I prepare myself for a snarky comment as I shut the door behind me.
"Just like a dog to sleep outside," She said with an evil glint in her eyes.
"At least I can turn into a dog." I replied simply, walking up the stairs to
my room.
Amanda is my step sister, she's human. My dad died when I was young, after a few years my mom married a guy she met at work. Amanda was just a baby, her mom had died in child birth. Amanda and I were best friends, until I first shifted. She was jealous that she couldn't shift, she began to lash out at me and we grew apart. Now she can't even look at me without a rude comment.
I walked into my room and shut the door. I fell backwards onto my bed, sighing in the process. I grabbed my phone and pushed the power button. The time was 7:13 a.m. and the date was Saturday October 3.
"Thank heaven it's Saturday," I mumbled putting my phone back on my nightstand. I stretched and grabbed my blanket, then I rolled my self into a warm blanket and pillow burrito and dozed off. I started dreaming right away.
I was up on my ridge on the mountain, in my wolf form. I was snuggled up against a black wolf, that was larger than me. He had gorgeous blue eyes that made me melt when they met with mine. There was a small tuft of hair that stuck up on the top of his head. It made him look rough, but his eyes said otherwise. We watched the sunset until it was completely dark, except for the light of the moon. There's a small clearing not too far below the ridge. I saw a shadow moving around the trees down below.
The wolf next to me seemed to have seen it too, as he started growling deep in his throat. I lost sight of the shadow and couldn't find it again. The wolf next to me didn't stop staring at the clearing. I couldn't see anything, all there was was a small tree, a bush, and a rock.
My blue eyed friend started growling again, but this time he was barring his teeth. His fur started to stand on end. I looked at the clearing again and then I saw it. It was a large dark brown wolf, it had streaks of black running through its fur.
It was standing between the rock and the tree to the left of the clearing. It looked up with dark eyes, almost black. It looked at me. My friend got up, stood over me, and snarled. The wolf in the clearing bared it's fangs and growled, "kill."
I woke up with a start, I sat up and looked around. I put my face in my hands and sighed.
"I need to stop reading those horror books." I mumbled to myself. I stood up off my bed and stretched.
"Aimia, breakfast!" I heard my mom call from the kitchen.
"Coming!" I replied.
I scratched my head as I walked out the door and down the stairs to the kitchen. My step-dad and Amanda were sitting at the table.
"Do you ever stop sleeping?" Amanda said sarcastically.
I rolled my eyes and sat down across from her. My mom put a plate of waffles in the center of the table.
"Eat up," she said with a smile. I smiled back at her and grabbed my fork. I started eating, the waffles were sweet but I could make them sweeter. I stood up and went to the pantry, I grabbed the open, half-eaten bag of chocolate chips and returned to the table.

"Dogs aren't supposed to have chocolate." Amanda said under her breath glancing at me from behind the cover of her hair. My mom rolled her eyes and her dad flicked the side of her head. She grumbled under her breath and continued to eat her food. I grinned and scattered chocolate chips on my waffles.

After breakfast I went back into my room. I sat on my bed and looked around my room for a few minutes, then mumbled, "I'm bored." I couldnt see anything worth entertaining myself with. "Maybe Ill go for a walk." I suggested to myself. Seeing no other options I grabbed a sweatshirt and a pair of tennis shoes. After I put them on I headed down the stairs and stopped at the front door. "Mom, I'm going for a walk." I said seeing my mom on the couch. She nodded and said, "Be home for dinner." "Okay." I said walking out the front door. I looked around and breathed in the fresh air. The pine trees around my house smelt wonderful. I sighed, the weather was perfect, it was a beautiful day.

I couldnt decide if i wanted to lay in the grass and look at the clouds or wander into the forest seeing the beauty of the nature around me. After a few minutes I decided I wanted to go into the forest. I walked to the tree line and looked up into the tall pines and oaks that were in front of me. The trees were tall, they had to be really old. Squirrels have been living in these trees for decades. I stepped into the tree line and walked into the many trees that spread for miles in each direction. I continued forward noticing all the little details of the beautiful forest before me.

The forest can be overwhelming, theres so many sights and scents. You can see all the shadows, and all the light spots of where the sun peeks through the trees above me. The colorful wild roses and the thorns below them. You can smell the trees, the flowers, even the stream thats not too far away. There's also the scents of the prey animals deer, moose, and rabbits. We only hunt wildlife for special occasions though, like pack hunts, the birth of a new pup, or when we get a new alpha or beta.

I continue walking deeper into the forest, I begin the hear the trickling of the stream ahead of me. In a few minutes the stream comes into view. I sit on a large boulder by the waters edge. I look into the ripples in the water, it calms me. I close my eyes and listen to the sounds. The stream, birds chirping overhead, the chattering of squirrels nearby, and bushes rustling nearby? I open my eyes and see a shadow rush by leaving behind a trail of rustling leaves. My heart started pounding. I know why I was scared. I am more powerful than any wild creature in this forest, I could easily defend myself, but whatever just rushed by wasnt just any random creature. It was something else. Something more powerful.

I decided I wanted to get out of the area and go up to my ridge so I could see my surroundings. I slid off the boulder and shifted. I couldnt find any unusual scents I looked around one more time and couldn't see anything. Feeling uneasy I ran southeast to the moutain where my ridge is located. Once I arrive at the mountain I start my climb up the trail I made. I passed through the small clearing under my ridge. i started to get really uneasy, this is where my nightmare took place. I hurriedly climb up onto my ridge and look around. I don't see anything unusual, but my hair still manages to stick on end.

I was too scared to sit and relax, I decided to go home. Taking one more look around, I make sure the coast is clear and bolt down my mountain path. I run straight for home, jumping over the stream once it crossed my path. Within a few minutes I passed through the tree line and ran to the grass right in front of my house. I turned and looked at the forest. It seemed darker than before. I caught my breath then shifted and went inside.

"That was fast, youve only been gone an hour." My mom said from the same spot on the couch. "Yeah, I decided to come back early." I said with a shaky breath. "Are you okay?" she asked with concern. I tried to swallow the lump in my throat, "Yeah, I just saw one too many spiders." She rolled her eyes, " You need to get over your fear of spiders." I just nodded and walked upstairs to my room.

I sat on my bed, my hands were shaking. I don't know why I was so scared. I decided to sleep it off until dinner.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2018 ⏰

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