Gabriel and Jane

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*I dare you say to say we are from different world since I found mine in you*

I sat silently as I remember how his manly hands drew little circles on my naked body hours ago , how his tongue moved slowly over me making me moan from pleasure ; the grin he had on his face as I screamed his name with passion and excitement , everything was stuck on my mind and yet not a single word can describe the way I felt with him. He was passionately romantically wild.

I turned to admire his peaceful sleeping face, this square jaw I touched as our tongues were dancing in harmony before made my heart ache, I was completely different from him , we came from two different worlds which only made it hard for me to believe in anything , I did not love him but I knew it was just a matter of time before I fall deeply in love, however my insecurities made me leave this warm bed with regret.

After wearing my clothes , I put on my coat and headed to the elevator waiting for the doors to open , only 3 floors before I have to step in and forget all about this night with him , just two , I turned my head toward the door I left a while ago , imagining how better it would be if I never had all those insecurities about myself, if I could find someone who wouldn't get mad at how I doubted about every sweet thing they would tell me since I got broken many times, the sound of the lift opening threw me back to reality , I stepped in and waited the door to close therefore I can cry , but choosing to walk away on my own was my bravest step to protect myself from my imaginary high hopes , my tears were slowly falling down as the doors were closing , maybe if I had a little chance he would chase for me and caught me before I leave , like in those movies where it seems hard for the two character to love each other but they end up together after they had gone through hell, the door completely closed as I fell on my knees telling myself that maybe the only one who has to go through hell is me .

I wiped all my tears , stood up and I was about to press the bouton when the door opened revealing a well-built silhouette in front of me , the man in front of me was messy haired , seemed angry and I felt like fire was about to blow up from his eyes , nevertheless once those eyes met mine , those blue azure softened and his arm rushed to hug me roughly like I was about to flee, his smell , this smell I was longing to escape run after me , I did not feel like crying but I rested my head in his arms , feeling secure for some second before his husky and shaking voice pronounced :

-Never , I say never ever leave when I'm not in the situation to run after you , you don't quite understand the way I felt when I woke up and you were nowhere to be found . Do you hear me ?

I nodded unconsciously as his hug tightened and I felt like the world could collapse still I wouldn't be afraid as long as I stayed in his arms , yet my conscious woke up and made me break this physical contact that had uncountable effect on me .

-Listen to me Gabriel , you and I come from two different worlds, you are the guy who like to play and have a lot of girl surrounding you, smart and gorgeous girl while I am ... I am just me , someone who doesn't even give too much importance to herself and still keep on living with the fear of ending up alone because of ...

I choked on as my words couldn't get out of my throat , words I have never spoken to anyone and still the one who has to hear them was him .

- I don't think you understand Jane , the day I knew about you was the day I stooped hooking up with girls , I spent most of my time in the library staring at you , at how you read books , the expressions you had and the little smile you show to no one . One time as you went out you forgot you own agenda , the one you always had with you while you read , I had to fight the urge to not read it but I was mesmerized by your hand-writing before your words , your stories took me to places I've never been and made me feel things I never knew about , before realizing it I was your first fan and for the first time of my life I fell for a girl without even talking to her so I dare you say to say we are from different world since I found mine in you.

His eyes kept staring seriously at me as he talked , words I never expected to hear , him reading my book was like him seeing my naked soul and he says he had fallen for this side of me , a part of me was delighted while another was angry at him .

-How ... Dare ... You read them ! You had no right! Those were my secrets , my hidden part , the ... Little me , you asshole ! I said while kicking his hardened chest , which I think made him feel nothing .

-I know I shouldn't have done this , I'm sorry but at least I found someone like you , and this I'll never regret it .

-Still if you had never read my book , you would have never fallen for me right ? You would have never ...

- I was interested before reading your book so falling for you was just a matter of time , I have never met someone like you and I'm thankful that our path crossed, you should try to understand the way I'm feeling Jane , he said as he took my hand and caresses it affectionally

-Maybe you should also understand that it's hard for me to believe such word coming from you, not only I find it hard to believe someone can actually find something good in me and love me but to find out that the unreachable Gabriel fell for me is kind of an imagination .

-Between the two of us you are the unreachable one Jane , and I do understand it's hard for you to believe me but have you ever heard that Gabriel Ashton run after a girl barely naked with only a short and an opened coat in the middle of winter.

I smiled shyly as I believed , just a little , that maybe it was me who made him in this situation .

-No , I respond avoiding his gaze

-So do you really think I would do this for anyone ?

-I don't know

-Then let me prove it to you , prove you that you're the only one I'm willing to make mine from now on until forever , what do you think of it ?

-I ... am okay with it , I answered  as blood rush to my face making me feel uncomfortable as his eyes never left me

-You know you're gorgeous as ever when you blush ?

His cold hands touched my neck sensually as he leaned against me to close the distance between us, once our lips touched I felt firework in my stomach , those cold lips devastated mine in such a gentle way that made me have goose bumps , that guy did not only fell for me but is also making me fall for him , making me experience a new life I don't think I can survive in without him, and I'm doing nothing to stop him.

-You are amazing Jane , he added without breaking our lips contact, you're making me go crazy and I've never felt that way about anyone else .

-Neither do I , I truly replied which made him bite my lower lip wildly and made me groan unconsciously , he took a step back and stared at me with disbelief before he burst into laughter seeing how much effect he has on me . I just buried my face in my hands trying to cool it down from the warmth but he stopped me , hugged me while whispering the three words I always dreamed I would hear them from him .

"I love you, Jane!"

I know it's not three words. I'm bad at maths anyway.

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