Chapter 7 - Amy Has Powers!

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Hey, Sorry I haven't uploaded for ages, but I've been a little busy :L

Enjoy Chapter 7 :D


Emily and Kirstin stared in horror at the group at the door. When Dannii followed thier line of sight, she changed into her wolf form, growling for all she was worth. Abi understood straight away this meant trouble, and changed into her wolf form too.

"What do you sluts want?" Dannii hissed, still growling.

Emily looked at her in astonishment. It didn't sound anything like the Dannii I knew and loved. It sounded like an animal had taken over her body. I shuddered, chills of fright going down my spine.

"You okay?" Kirstin asked me through her thoughts.

Kirstin was concerned about her. That wasn't good. Emily looked at Kirstin.

"Um. Yeah."  Emily thought back, rubbing at her arm nervously.

Kirstin saw Emily was nervous and scared to death, so she walked over to her, keeping her eyes on Amy and her group. She put a calming arm around her shoulders, giving them a comforting squeeze.

"It's 'kay. I gotcha. Nothin' is gunna happen to ya."  Kirstin thought back.

Emily smiled weakly, squeezing back on Kirstin's waist. After a moment, she assured Kirstin she was okay, stepped forward, and put her hands on her hips, raising an eyebrow.

"Why the fuck are you here, slut? In case you didn't get the damn message, we're no longer BFFs." Emily hissed, then shifted her weight onto her other foot, all the time keeping her eyes on Amy and her group. 

Amy narrowed her eyes at Emily, putting her hands on her hips and raising a perfect brow. Kirstin, Amy and Joe looked at Emily in disbelief.

"What?" Emily asked Kirstin, thinking it was normal to have 'friends'.

"You guys were friends?!" Kirstin asked in disbelief, putting a hand over her mouth, her eyes widening.

"Well...yeah. That was up until she crashed her own party and sent Jake and Shannon to suck my blood and kill Dannii and me."

Dannii walked up to Emily, nudging her hip with an oversized paw lightly. When Emily looked at her, she saw a wolfy grin on her face. Emily grinned back. 

"I love ya you know." Dannii thought, knowing I could hear her.

"I love ya too my wolf-girl."  I projected my thoughts back to her.

Dannii nudged me again, this time for confidence, then turned her full attention back to Amy. She had been listening to her every move of her feet while she'd been 'talking' to Emily.

Kirstin moved up next to us, talking flanks on my other side.

"Spit it out. What do you and your sluts-" 

"Alright. I'll 'spit it out'." Amy hissed back. "Who the fuck killed my dad?!"

Everyone in the room looked at her. That's the Amy Emily knew. Always wanting to get attention and getting screwed by a totally hot guy, making everyone totally pissed at her. Ho-bag.

"What do you mean? Are you doing this to get attention like at school-"

"No!! Shut the fuck up. I am not doing this for attention. I'm telling the damn truth!" She yelled.

"Hey, calm down." Emily said calmly, trying to send Amy calming thoughts, waling toward her.

"Don't try your mind game shit on me. It doesn't work." Amy sneered. 

Amy saw Emily coming toward her, "Stop."

Emily didn't stop, but put a hand out, trying to comfort her.

Amy put a hand up in front of her and Emily immediatly stopped. No matter how hard Emily's feet pushed forward, she couldn't move toward Amy.

Amy lifted her other hand in front of her face, looking at it and turning it over with wide eyes.

She smiled an evil smile, one that burned the image inside of Emily's mind forever.

Kirstin then ran towards Emily, eyes narrowed in concentration and annoyance.

Amy raised her other hand up, eyes narrowed and smiling evily, and stopped Kirstin in her tracks.

"What? How?" Kirstin stammered, her head tilting to the side in utter confusion, while desperatly trying to move forward.

"Someone here killed my father." Amy screamed at everyone in the room. "Why? I thought we had a fucking deal! What about the war-" She stopped, and looked at Emily accusingly.

"You!" Amy hissed, her voice sounding like a growl. "You killed my father! You killed him so you could have your itty-bitty army of weaklings who thought the could win against me. Well..let me tell you that you're wro-"

Emily used her pain power with her mind before she could she anything else.

"You've been pissing me off ever since you started to talk tonight. You are such a bitch! You're voice is soo annoying, and no-one wants to listen to you drone about fuck all." Emily hissed at Amy  through her mind. 

 Amy was sceaming from Emily's pain power, and Emily and Kirstin could move again, wherever we wanted to again. They were free from Amy's grasp. Just as well too, because Emily and Kirstin read Amy's mind when they'd been stuck, and she'd been planning on different ways to kill them; all very slowly...

Kirstin then asked Emily's questions again. 

"What do you mean? We never killed your father! We don't even want a war in the first place. So why would we want to kill the Leaders' father-?!"

Amy's phone made a sudden ring, and she answered on the second.

"Hey...yeah, I'm gunna kill them...Why not?...Fair point, I like the way your cruel little mind works...What?!" - Kirstin and Emily jumped in surprise at Amy's sudden 'What?!' - "I'll be right there."

She snapped the phone shut, and put it back into her jacket pocket. She returned her eyes to Kirstin, Emily and the rest of the vampires. "I'm gunna get you guys for this, even if it's the last thing I do! I will see you in one year. No exceptions or excuses."

With that, Amy left with her friends, looking like she was about to cry; but at the same time looked determined. Emily followed her out the door, as if to comfort her, trying to read Amy's thoughts. 

It was no use. She was blocking everyone out from her mind. Emily watched her go off, and when she turned the corner, Emily went back to Kirstin and the others.

She saw James and Kirstin were talking about something she couldn't quite hear. She tried reading their thoughts, but they too were blocked out. As Emily walked up to them, she saw Holly, Kensey, Abi and Lucy had joined them, smiling at eachother.

"Whats going on?" Emily asked. 

Why had they blocked her out of their minds? What was so special?

"I know this may be a bad time," James said, holding Kirstin's hand. "but since we could die in the battle, we thought we may as well tell you." He looked at Kirstin, smiling with happiness and awe.  "We're getting married," 


Sorry I kinda left it half finished, but ya know. Exams suck :L

P.S: I'm working on the front cover next week at school :])

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