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Do I really think I'll  be able to handle the harsh world again?
I can
I am the Wolf Blood

Arwen's eyelids shot open,bits of light shone through the trees and broke through shadows.She looked around and saw she was in a forest.As she got up scents surrounded her.Deer,rabbit,wolf,bird,flowers...... and the faint scent of Bell and Curtis.She dashed to find an exit.
"I'm back.I'm back." Her breath was frosty due to the snow.She kept following the scents and she finally found a fresh scent left by Curtis."This was left just a few hours ago..."She smiled and followed it.As she ran she realized beautiful flowers decorated her hair and her eyes glowed a beautiful yellow.Wolves started following her.She smiled at them. "Arwen...? You're alive?"A she-wolf with a tan coat asked.(Arwen had the ability to talk to wolves because she was part wolf.)"Yes Katja.I'm back." The wolves sang a song of reunion and love as Arwen sang along.(Although to you humans a wolf is singing is known as 'howling'.)
As Arwen reached the house of her lover,she peeked through the window.She saw a warm fire and a beautiful living room.She then saw two children sleeping,a boy around the age of 6 with green eyes and black hair and a girl around the age of 4 with brown hair and lavender eyes.Puzzled,she continued to examine the room.There stood Curtis handsome and as happy as ever.She smiled,but her face twisted into a look of shock.
Curtis was kissing the neck and lips of a woman.The woman's hair was wavy and black,her eyes a glowing green.She was kissing Curtis back.He was showing more affection to the woman than he did to Arwen.Jealously and sorrow coursed through her. But that moment only got worse as she witnessed the woman put the kids in a room and Curtis and the woman rushed into a different room.Slamming the door behind them.
Tears fell down Arwen's cheeks.She wanted to scream,she wanted to hurt,she wanted to cry."Oh my.My darling are you okay?" Katja asked,sympathy filled her voice as she wrapped her tail around Arwen.The other wolves did the same.Some wolves said that they'd kill the woman for Arwen,others said they'd find a more painful way to hurt that family.But as the offers came,so did the rejections.

"No.Just because that woman took my happiness doesn't mean I'll take hers."Arwen said.Thoughts crossed her mind.As the moon began to spread its beautiful light,Arwen got up on her feet and began to walk into the forest.Arwen said at last,realizing her mistakes,"I should've never have felt any affection for Curtis,not for anyone.Love has no meaning to me.The desire for a mate within me is dead.No need for one.When I felt that emotion the wolf within me died.I became human.But now it shall be reborn.From this night forward the wolf is alive on."
The wolves sang a song of rebirth and of fate.The beautiful markings on the handle of Arwen's bow and arrow glowed a gorgeous blue.Her eyes glittered and sparkled.She finished by saying. "Legends will never die.As long as the moon guides my path with it's light and watches over me, the stars continue to shine,and the night continues to stand...the Wolf Blood is born again."

Freedom Runs Though My Veins (Sequel to Wolf Blood)Where stories live. Discover now