Death claimed me

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Angel's pov

The Devil himself was here. The undertaker whispers in my ear "go to him angel". Slowly, but surely i walk to him. Walking to him, my eyes fall upon his wings. His wings were an exacted match of my own, they were beautiful. He was beautiful, everyone saying that he was an ugly beast was wrong. I was wrong. I was brought back from my thoughts by a deep rich voice

"Angel" I look towards him meeting his eyes, his beautiful grey eyes. Staring at each other he speaks again "Angel we are mates". Taking my hand in his, the white angels gasp, looking of shock. Whispering to one another.

"Silence" I snarl as he chuckles.

"My mate, the only way to complete the bond is to mix our blood together" he says, taking a beautiful silver dagger to his hand cutting his palm. Handing it to me I start to do the same, as i hear a voice.

"Don't do it angel" my mother pleads. My father whispers in her ear, tears fall down her face holding on to him. I smirk at them, taking the dagger to my palm a make a cut just like the Devil. Holding each others hands, he kisses me. As we both start to scream in pain. it was more painful than the first time.

"Make it stop please" tears flow down my face burning into my face leaving scars. The pain comes to an end, looking at my mate he holds my face touching where the burn marks of my tears are.

"You're beautiful" he whispers. Looking over my body my tan skin now a pale white. Its beautiful with my tattooed skin. My wings were bigger covered in black lacy and ruby's. "My beautiful angel" the King speaks. I blush looking down at my feet. A warm hand touches my chin lifting my head up. "Never look away from me, my Queen, are you ready to leave" I nod my head in agreement.

Devil's pov

Seeing my beautiful angel standing there with her black dress and black diamond wings. I could have cried just seeing her there. She was truly beautiful one of the most beautiful females i have ever seen. I know people thing of me as a monster, I know I am. But i don't want her to see me as one. "Angel" she looks towards me, as I meeting her eyes, her beautiful black eyes. Staring at each other I speaks again "Angel we are mates". Taking her hand in mine, the white angels gasp, looking of shock. Whispering to one another. I was going to speak as she beats me to it

"Silence" she snarls I chuckle.

"My mate, the only way to complete the bond is to mix our blood together" I say, taking a beautiful silver dagger to my hand cutting into my palm. Handing it to her, she starts to do the same, as i hear a voice.

"Don't do it angel" her mother pleads. Her father whispers in her ear, tears fall down her face holding on to him. Angel smirks at them, taking the dagger to her palm a making a cut just like I did. Holding each others hands, I kisses her. As we both start to scream in pain.

"Make it stop please" tears flow down her face burning her face, leaving scars. The pain comes to an end, looking at my mate I hold her face touching where the burn marks were left on her now beautiful pale white laced skin. She was even more beautiful

"You're beautiful" I whisper to her. I look over both of us look at our matching pale skin, with lace covering her skin as tribal marks cover all of me. Her angel wings were stunning with black lace and ruby's as mine were large with soft feathers a mix of black and grey. "My beautiful angel" I speak. She blushes looking down at her feet. My hand touches her chin lifting her head up. "Never look away from me, my Queen, are you ready to leave" she nods her head in agreement. Holding onto her waist, putting my face near her neck I whisper to her know that I truly love her "I love you"

Angel's pov

Holding onto my waist, he puts his face near my neck as he whispers "I love you".

"I love you too" I know I love him just being with him I feel butterflys in my stomach. As we start to leave I hear the sobs of my parents. A tear falls down my face. They lied to me, they knew what was going to become of me. Feeling like an outcast most of my life was hard enough, but when i'm him i feel like I finally belong like I have a reason to live. Being brought out of my mind, I feel lips on mine, I kiss back. I was wrong of thinking this change was horrible. I always thought it was wrong and horrible to change, but now I realize all changes aren't bad.

~The End~

The Chosen @andybvb25Where stories live. Discover now