Liking k pop

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So I like k pop.

As you can see.

But many people get upset or annoyed by it, and I don't really see it as an issue.
Like aren't you just making it seem really...
Like a big problem?
To be honest I won't judge you if you like Justin beiber.

But I'll sort it out when the time comes.

It's like if you like JB then ok not my problem. You can like your own thing, I can like mine and so on. So why make a big deal and even create an anti k pop club in your school when it's just music.
I don't even judge you when you like old scratchy classical music.

Ok ok you get what I mean.

Fine, having an anti k pop club is a bit extreme,but it's a real thing.
It does happen.
Stop hating things just because you don't like them,because just because you don't like them doesn't mean the whole world shouldn't like them. So grow up, and stop being queen.

K,I won't judge you if you like old scratchy music and so on, but I may secretly judge you for liking certain people.
Unless you haven't told me yet.
Please don't send hate mail


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