Chapter 34

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Brittany 's POV:

Trev and I were just in the lounge room doing some last minute packing and closing our bags. Let's just say it took me a good 15 minutes to close it and I had to get Trevor's help with it.

"Babe, you ready for tomorrow."

"Yeah, I get to go to Australia, I've always wanted to go it's been on the top of my list well apart from Portugal."

"Oh Trev, Joelle is staying at our place tonight," I continued on.

"That's fine."

"What do you want for dinner?"

"Yep I'm starving," Trev clutched his stomach.

"Ok how about Spaghetti Bolognese," I asked Trev.

"I'm down for that."


I put the food down on the table and got the plates out and then sat next to Trev.

"So how did your film Transitions go," Trevor broke the silence.

"It was amazing, I couldn't be more thankful for this experience."

"The cast I was working with were amazing, and I was working with Isaiah so at least I had one familiar face

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"The cast I was working with were amazing, and I was working with Isaiah so at least I had one familiar face."

"How about you?"

"Not yet, but I hope to get something soon."

We continued to talk until the door bell rang.

"I'll get it," Trev told me to sit and eat.

From the kitchen I heard, "Hey Joelle."

She entered the house and joined Trev and I for dinner. After dinner I showed Joelle to the bedroom she was sleeping in where she put all her bags down and we returned downstairs getting ready to watch a movie.

We decided to spend some time together because I'm going to be in Australia for a couple of weeks and Joelle's going to Mexico and South America with her family a few weeks after I leave so we're not going to get any time to spend with each other.

I went in the kitchen to make some popcorn for the both us and brought it back to the theatre/lounge room.

In the middle of the movie Joelle put it on pause and turned to me.

"So you have any plans on what we're going to do for our next YouTube channel."

"You video your trip to South America, Mexico and I'll video my trip to Australia, how's that."

"How about putting your extremely hot boyfriend in it?" I heard Trevor say from the entrance.

"Let me think about it, no because it will give ourself away and we want privacy."


Our flight was at 10:30am so I got out of bed, grabbed a pair of leggings, my batman tank top and went into the bathroom to take a quick shower.

After the relaxing shower I came down stairs dressed and was met by Joelle who was eating breakfast.

"Hey Jo."

"Hey Britt."

"You ready for your tour,"

"Of course I am, I've always wanted to go."

I finished my breakfast put my plate in the sink and went upstairs to straighten my hair. We went out to the car park below the complex.

"Trev, Jo and I are going out so you'll be by yourself for a couple of hours."

"Wait, what you've got to be kidding me," Trevor yelled down the stairs.

"Well have fun, were out,"

We got Jo's car, me sitting in the passenger seat and Jo sitting in the drivers seat.

"Do you know what we should do," Jo said while hitting the steering with both her hands.

"A live stream on instagram," she continued.

"That's a greats idea."

---------Authors Note----------
The next chapter will be up soon I hope but I've been so busy with school and in the last few weeks before holidays. I will  have a Jiley Oneshot book so you can have something to read if I don't update this book. Couple chapters left before I end this book. Comment below if anyone would like to do a second book to this one. Sorry for the long rant. 😘

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