you know my name not my story

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I sit in front of the camera and give a small wave.I start holding up the index cards, they say "I wanted to tell u guys my story." But first let's go back a few months.

Two months ago...

I look out my door to see if he's up yet, he's not, sighing I get ready for school. I honestly hate school but it's better than being here. When I'm done I walk downstairs and grab some quick breakfast, I grab my backpack and I'm out the door. It's all the same everyday. I go to school, come home, do homework, go to sleep, then do it all over again. I put on my headphones and put on Pierce The Veil, I just keep walking, looking down. I suddenly trip, and look up.

I say "Hey, what's the big idea?!?!" And see two kids who dress like me, and they both have black hair,I've never seen them before.

The guys speaks up"Woah,watch where you're walking"

Looking down, I say "I'm sorry..." I get up and start walking again, I hear footsteps behind me and quicken my pace. When I get to school, I am greeted with the normal name calling,keeping my head down and walk to my locker. And see nasty,horrible things were written on my locker,sighing,I grab my books and walk to my first class.

I sit in my seat and stay quiet,I look out the window and ignore the teacher,then I hear the door open and close. I look away from the window and see the kids from earlier, I frown and sink into my chair. The teacher speaks, "Class this is James and Chloe . James why don't you go sit next to Alex." I gave a small wave, and hid my face again. The teacher starts talking again, "Chloe why don't you go sit at the table next to your brother." I hear shuffling and the chair next to me move, I keep looking at my shoes.I hear someone say hi, I look up and see James staring at me kind of concerned .

I say, "Hi, umm... I'm sorry about running into you earlier..."

"It's ok ."

I see him look at my shirt, "I see you like bands..."

"Yeah,i love bands", oh my gosh I'm such a dork....

"I'm James by the way..." oh my gosh this is so awkward...

"I'm alex..."

I look down and feel something hit my head, I look up slightly and see a crumpled up piece of paper,I un crumple it and read it, I feel tears start building up.

I hear James speak up,"Are you ok Alex?"

I shake my head no, and I start crying and shaking. The rest of the day went by the way it usually does, I notice I have almost all my classes with James and Chloe. Finally I walk into art class,smiling. I love this class it makes my day so much better. I sit in my seat, look at today's assignment. It was free drawing so i start drawing anime. It's my favorite thing to draw, when I'm done, I turn the paper over and start thinking about what else I can draw,then i see someone sit next to me. I look up and see that it's James.

"Hey James," I see him take out his phone and headphones.

"What are you gonna listen to?""

"Black Veil Brides or Pierce The Veil," I smile.

"Can i listen?"

"Sure I guess..."

He puts on "We Don't Belong by Black Veil Brides," My smile widens, "I love this song!"

"So do I," James says while smiling

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2016 ⏰

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