is isa dieing?

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STILL Royal Pov

I ranned in August room and saw him cuddle up with ariana I think isa is dieing I said he ranned so fast he could be superman and he left ariana behind.I laughed at her then she tooked my phone I know this dusty girl did not just put her hands on my iPhone wait I got an idea....I tell y'all later....august tried to wake her up and then he ran outside with isa and yelled come on I ranned and open the door and slamed it in ariana face I wanted to laugh so badly...well I got out and went in the back with isa...she was turning pale... a little I didn't want isa to die we have so much to live for and she was my tear dropped on isa's face

Ariana POV

I think I'm happy royal is moving back to the orfange and isa is dieing wat a great day.😊
I smiled out the window so August couldn't see me smiling I'm so happy.

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