Chapter 1

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And here it is! Chapter one for book 2! I hope you all enjoy this book as much as you enjoyed the first one :) 

They told me my name was Ellie May Charleston. Supposedly, I went missing over three months ago, kidnapped by two boys. One who I happened to be dating at the time.

They said his name was Rosen.

It didn't ring a bell.

I was found in a ditch near the police station almost two weeks ago. I was heavily sedated, but showed no sign of injury. Whoever had took me, had left me unconscious on the side of the road. Nobody knows how long I was there, but police are suspecting It was only around fifteen to twenty minutes based off of my body temp.

The only part of my life I can remember was the moment I woke up in the hospital. The doctors told me I suffered from something called Dissociative Amnesia. That means that my brain was so traumatized by whatever happened those three months I was gone, that it built up a wall. And to protect myself, my mind wiped my memories clean. The doctors also suspect that my amnesia may be a result from the heavy sedative drugs they found in my bloodstream.

I was kept in the hospital to be be examined and studied for the best possible medication to my amnesia. All I got was therapy sessions for three times a week, more if my parents felt it was necessary.

Today, I was to leave the hospital. The only visitors who had been allowed to see me was my immediate family. My mom, my dad, and my older sister Mia.

All of them were strangers.

It felt incredibly uncomfortable and unnerving to call people I didn't know my family. I had already been talking to therapists who worked with the hospital, and I felt more comfortable around them than the people that were my own blood.

Swallowing hard, I scrutinized my reflection in the hospital's bathroom mirror. The girl who looked back had a burgundy colored hair, but pale blonde strands were beginning to show, meaning that my hair had been dyed at some point while I was gone. I'm sure it was once a vibrant color, but now it was stringy and my blonde roots made the coloring look unnatural.

My skin was paper white, although there was a flush to my cheeks, it only served to show how unhealthy the shade of my face was. I didn't look porcelain or dainty, I looked sickly and weak. The bags under my eyes were a result from many nights spent awake, staring at the ceiling and trying to force myself to remember anything.

So far it hadn't worked and only served to give me a headache.

My parents had brought me some clothes from home to slip into, but they seemed to hang off of my frame awkwardly and limply. Like they didn't belong to this girl who stood staring back at me in the mirror.

I jumped at the sudden knock on the door.

"Sweetie? You okay in there?" My mom's concerned voice drifted through the doorway. I turned the faucet on and splashed my face with a burst of cold water.

"Yeah, one sec," I called back. Patting away the dampness with a white hand towel. I took a steadying breath and swung the door open to find the first face I had seen when I had just awoke in the hospital.

My mom.

She smiled timidly at me, and wrung her hands as I stepped outside the bathroom.

"Your father and your sister went to fill out some paperwork and then bring the car up," my mom explained, grabbing her handy dandy hospital bag and throwing it over her arm.

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