A dan phiq

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1 nite Sally wuz on da pc, she wuz watchin danisnotonfire. She sed

"I wish I can meet him"

She msgd him on utube. Here wuz da lettr

" Dere Dan,

My names Sally

Ur hawt & ilysm ur mi inspiratin and I wnna meet u so much but I cnt cuz ur in da UK & im in 'Murica But u shuld cum ovur hur and we can meet up & git 2gether.

Ps. I'm only 12 but we can mayk dis werk!!!11!!!!1!!!!!1!!!!!!!! "

Sally clickd send & waited.

3 deys l8r Sally didnt git a rply.

She cride.

Sally sed

"Maybe I shuld jus go ther and meet him"

She packd her bags& went to da UK.

She arived dere witout her parents permishin. (Sally was a gangster rebel)

She went 2 da mall && den she spottid a tall boy wit hair dat look lik Steve frum bluezcluez. She tapped hem on da sholder. He turn arund, but it jus turn out 2 b Oprah.

Sally cryd.

L8r shi dicidid 2 git a flat. She wnt 2 aprtmint & chequed in & boght it wit her munny (she brot 1 million dollers bcuz she rich). Sally wnt 2 sleep hpoping shel dream bout dan.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2013 ⏰

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