Friends for dinner

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"We cant win every case Foggy.  You know and I know he was guilty as soon as we walked into that interrogation room" Matt Murdock said as he sat at his desk drinking coffee.  His laptop screen was opened in front of him, he took out the headphone he had in one ear.

"It's all my fault.  Fifteen years, I got him sent down for fifteen years Matt.  We are meant to win cases" Foggy Nelson replied.  He was sitting opposite Matt at the table, he sighed and rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands.

"He'll be out in about ten years if he behaves himself and you didn't get him sent down he got himself sent down.  You know I wasn't happy taking on the case.  He nearly killed a man and hurt another, but, I listened to you and took the job because we needed the money and the clients"

"Then why do I feel so bad?"

"Because we lost buddy.  Your pride is just bruised but you do realise, we really didn't lose Foggy.  We got paid either way and the bad guy is behind bars.  It's a win win situation.  Hell's Kitchen is safer tonight.  Personally I feel its the best result.  Don't beat yourself up over it, we will win the next one" he smiled

"I should have been a butcher" Foggy mumbled

"Please Foggy, not the butcher story.  It's one case, there will be plenty more"

Picking up his jacket from behind the chair.  He closed down his laptop and reaching for his cane he said, "I'm going to head home its been a long day.  I'll talk to you tomorrow Foggy.  Safe home Karen, don't leave Captain Misery mope for too long or drink too much tonight at Josie's"

"I promise Matt" Karen replied from behind her desk not looking up, her head was stuck in a book.

Matt went home still thinking of the case.  He remembered catching the son of a bitch, Jimmy (as he was actually known as) one night while he was dressed as the mask.  There had been a robbery in a factory near the dock yard.  If Jimmy hadn't tried to run, and then shoot the two security guards he wouldn't be serving fifteen years today.  The judge had made an example of him in the court room.  He was fed up of seeing the same thing over and over so he came down on him but still a man was almost killed and another was lying in a hospital bed.  Matt knew Jimmy wasn't working alone that night, the others had run away before Matt had gotten to them.  It would only be a matter of time before scum like that came back out of the woodwork, they always did.  He hoped they were in the court earlier and had watched their friend being led away in handcuffs.  He knew Foggy blamed himself when the judge was handing down the sentence, he was fidgeting in his seat and his heart beat was doing ninety in his chest.  His closing statement hadn't been very strong or confident.  He didn't really believe his own client was actually innocent but he struggled on and got to the end of the rehearsed speech they had written together the night before.  Matt had suggested that he go last and leave Foggy do the first part, but in the end Foggy got to give the speech.

Pouring himself a glass of water, he headed upstairs to the roof.  Leaving his cane and glasses behind on the kitchen counter, he never needed them when he was walking around his own apartment.  The cold night air was blowing in his face.  This was his favourite place to just relax. Here he forgot all the worries of the day.  Breathing in slowly and closing his eyes he just stood there listening to all of Hell's Kitchen below him, the world going by unaware that he was up there.  He could hear a car alarm going off two blocks away.  A couple were arguing in the block of flats up the street and a baby crying for his or her mother.  Different smells floated up to the night sky, the local Thai restaurant down the road being the strongest.

Thinking he might take a night off and for once just order food.  He could listen to some music, maybe have a beer or two and chill out like a normal person on a regular Saturday night were quickly squashed when a piercing scream was heard in the cold night air.  Ten minutes later Matt Murdock was back on his roof dressed all in black.  Lowering his bandanna over his brown eyes he jumped off his roof and started his other work.

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